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Our little battle was over before it really began. Especially when I had one person spitting lightning from her hands and another using some form of hypnosis to convince them to fall on their own knife. And then there was me sending the bad guys out with a quick explosion of pure energy. 

   After it was over there was a pile of unconscious men sitting in the middle of the floor and a bunch of people filming us, while cowering by the door. 

  Of course there was only one logical reaction to this sudden development. I ran. 

  It seemed that the  Nazzie and Maddie also had the same reaction and followed me out the other exit door that moments ago had been blocked by one of the thieves. 

  As we burst into the night ( when day had turned to night I had no idea, it was barely five when the thieves attacked the mall) I saw that squad cars were surrounding the entire building and a few ambulances. 

  I swallowed as it occurred to me that there was one man in there lying dead on the floor. He would not be returning home tonight. I thought that maybe he had a daughter or a son that was lying on the floor watching the breaking news and saying "when's daddy coming home?" 

  Never kid. I'm sorry. I would have done more if I wasn't such a coward. 

  I stopped abrubtly as I saw that we were in an alley. We sank to the ground, eyes never leaving each other, seeing each other fpr the first time since we had met. 

  Nazzie raised a hand and pinched herself. "Checking to make sure that it was real?" I said. 

  She nodded. " This whole time? " she said quietly. " You were like us? We thought we were the only ones..."

  I shook my head. " That's hard to believe isn't it? I knew from the moment I met you two that you were different. I just didn't know that you were the same."

  I nodded to Maddie. " Were you born with yours or what?" She shook her head. " I .. was electrocuted when I was little, about six or seven. Nazzie was stabbed in a kidnapping attempt. " Nazzie lifted her shirt to just above her navel, where a scar broke the rest of the pale smoothness. 

  As Nazzie slid her shirt down she said " What about you? Those are some pretty powerful telekinetic powers we saw in there." I shifted uncomfortably. " I had lots of time to practice." I went on to explain my childhood and the conditions that I had been raised in. I even went as far as to lift up my sleeves and show the scars from the chains. They were thick and the skin had curdled around them in the shape of thick metal. Even I didn't like to look at them so I quickly put them away. 

  We sat in silence for a little bit before Nazzie said," We should probably get back to the mall and try and find our families. I bet they're going insane looking for us. " I felt the terror of the night begging to rise up fresh in my mind."Yeah" I agreed, shaking the feeling away. " We should get back." 

   We walked silently , not one of us saying a word the whole time. A couple times we fingered our hoods as police cars passed by, still uncomfortable with the idea that there was probably people looking for us. 

  We finally arrived at the mall again where we bid each other goodbye and went in search of our families. 

  I saw Dan and Phil and two other boys that I had  yet to meet at the front where the police had barricaded the rest of the pedestrians from the mall (shopping centre, whatever) 

  "My little sisters in there! " I heard him shout. "She has to be, I didn't see her come out !" The poor policeman was trying to explain to Dan that they were still getting people out but he was having none of it. Phil and the other two boys repeatedly had to hold him back as he tried to break through the yellow tape. 

The secrets I hide.( A danisnotonfire fanfic. No Romance!)Where stories live. Discover now