My wrong's.

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I'm bad again. I can feel myself slipping right back into him, Letting him get back under my skin I've been talking to him for hours And honestly it's been amazing I've missed it. I've missed him. I'm finally back home and I know that's not okay. My mind knows what's going to happen, how it's all going to fall apart, but my heart don't want to let go. I hurt myself and I'm dragging myself down but that's alright as long as I have a little piece of him. No no it's not alright I should let him go, I should leave but I love him and it's not healthy at all. None of our relationship is but that's what makes us us I guess. I find myself letting my heart get back in deeper and deeper. Is it okay, no it's not but am I going to continue it? Yes because love makes people do stupid things and I'm a crazy fool for you baby.

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