rating 3

40 6 4

the third rating is going to be my love, my hoe, my dork, my well moisturized lips chick MINTY-MARAIS

the third rating is going to be my love, my hoe, my dork, my well moisturized lips chick MINTY-MARAIS

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PFP: 8/10 Jonah is always hot and

BANNER: 6.5/10 it kinda matches but still good

NAME: 8/10 i made that name yeah I know it's good

USER: 7/10 its really nice to say but I gotta say I miss your old user sis

BIO: 6.5/10 creative but maybe could use some work

LOCATION: 1/10 I hate it you shan't be crying

BOOK COVERS: 9/10 the not everyone book is really good imo and can I say the spam cover is me everyday

OVERALL RATING: 83/100 you are one of the nicest people I've ever met ily truly bb and you always need to have that smile I live on your face your account needs some work but whos doesn't eh

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