Chapter 13: Confession

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Its the next day and you woke up, but kept your eyes closed. You felt something shift under you and you opened one eye lazily. As soon as you saw what it was, or rather who it was, you opened both your eyes and they grew wide and you froze in your place. It was Namjoon. You then remembered what happened last night. You smiled remembering the video they made for your birthday, how the each gave a small message for you. You realized how much you loved them, how they were your family now. You were so lost in your thoughts, you didn't realize Namjoon was already awake and you were still hugging him like a koala bear.
Joon: Morning.
His voice snapped you out of your daze and you looked at him.
Y/n: Morning.
You then realized you were still hugging him and quickly got off of him.
Y/n: Sorry.
Joon: Its fine.
Y/n: What time is it?
He got up and checked his phone.
Joon: 9am.
Your eyes widened.
Y/n: WHAT?! 9AM?!
You got up and ran to the closet quickly getting out some clothes and running to the bathroom.
Joon: What are you doing?
Y/n: I'm gonna be late for work!
Joon: But-
Y/n: Can't talk! Sorry!
You said as you shut the bathroom door and started the shower.
I tried to tell her that she has off today, but she just ran in the bathroom and started the shower. I remembered the way she looked when she was sleeping. She was adorable the way she buried her face into my chest and hugged me. I decided I was going to confess to her tonight. I need to make it special. I decided to make some breakfast, so I went downstairs into the kitchen and looked up some recipes for breakfasts. I found one and got out everything I needed and started cooking.
After about an hour I was done and put everything on plates and put them on the table and waited for Y/n.
I finished my shower and dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I changed into my uniform nd put on my shoes. I grabbed my phone and my bag and went downstiars. As I was practically running past the kitchen, I stopped and noticed that food was on the table. I walking in and saw Namjoon pouring some orange juice into two glasses.
Y/n: What's all this?
He turned around to face me and he put the glasses on the table.
Joon: I made us breakfast.
I raised both my eyebrows.
Y/n: Really? Without burning the house down?
Joon: Yep. Sit down and eat.
Y/n: I can't-
Joon: Your off from work today.
He cut me off.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Joon: Your bosses gave you a few days off.
Y/n: But I didn't ask them?
Joon: I did. So you can rest, you've been working too hard lately.
Y/n: I'm fine though.
Joon: No you're not. You have bags under your eyes, you've lost weight, and not in the good way.
Y/n: I guess you're right.
Joon: I know I'm right. Now, sit down and eat.
I sat down across from hihim and looked at the plate.
Y/n: Crepes?
Joon: Yeah, I thought you deserved a fancy breakfast.
Y/n: Okay, are you sure you didn't just buy this?
Joon: Yes, I'm sure.
He chuckled.
I took my fork and took a bite. My eyes widened.
Y/n: Oh my gosh.
He looked at me.
Joon: What? Is it bad?
He said with a worried look on his face.
Y/n: No...
Joon: Then?...
Y/n: Its delicious.
He placed his hand on his chest and leaned back in his seat.
Joon: Jeez, I thought you didn't like them.
I laughed.
Y/n: I'm sorry, I was just surprised considering what happened last time.
Joon: Yeah, I followed a recipe I found online.
Y/n: Well, that explains the funky after taste.
His eyed widened at me.
Joon: What?!
I bursted out laughing.
Y/n: I'm just kidding!
I continued to laugh as he playfully hit my arm.
Joon: Hey! That's not funny!
I eventually calmed down and we finished eating. We washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.
Y/n: Well, since I don't have work, I'm going to go change.
I heard Namjoon chuckled as I went upstairs. I got in my room and changed into some leggings and a sweatshirt. I went back downstairs and jumped on the couch next to Namjoon. We sat there on our phones for a few minutes in silence until he spoke.
Joon: I'm taking you out tonight.
I turned to him.
Y/n: What?
Joon: Be ready by 7pm. I'll pick you up.
He said as he got up.
Y/n: But why?
He was at the door and turned to me before opening the door.
Joon: You'll see.
With that, he walked out and closed the door behind him. I checked the time and it was only 1pm.
Y/n: He didn't even tell me what I should wear. I guess I'll call him.
I picked up my phone and dialed his nunber. I placed my phone to my ear waiting for him to pick up.
Joon: Hello?
Y/n: You didn't tell me what I should wear.
Joon: Oh, right.
He chuckled.
Joon: I guess just something casual.
Y/n: Okay.
Joon: Alright, bye.
Y/n: Bye.
I hung up and tossed my phone beside me.
Thoughts: I have five hours to kill. Maybe I could call Moe?
I got my phone again and as I was about to call her, my phone started ringing. It was Monique. I answered and put the phone to my ear.
Y/n: Hey Moe.
Moe: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me? I need some new clothes.
Y/n: I was actually going to call you about going to the mall.
Moe: Oh, great! I'll be over in 10.
Y/n: Okay, bye.
Moe: Bye.
We hung up and I went to go get ready. I put on some shoes and changed into a t-shirt since it wasn't cold out side. I braided my hair and put on my shoes. I got my phone and purse with some money and went downstairs when I heard a car honk. I opened the front door and walked outside and closed it behind me, locking it. I got into her car.
Moe: You ready?
Y/n: Yep.
I buckled my seatbelt and she started driving.
We got to the mall and got out of the car, walking in.
Moe: So, where to first?
Y/n: Um, I need somsthing casual to wear tonight.
Moe: Right this way ma'am.
I laughed at her as she took me into a store. When we got there we went inside and started looking around. As we were looking, Monique spoke.
Moe: Whats tonight?
Y/n: Huh?
Moe: You said that you needed somsthing casual to wear tonight.
Y/n: Oh yeah. Well, Namjoon said he was taking me out tonight.
Moe: What? Why?
Y/n: I don't know. I guess I'll find out tonight.
Moe: Do you think he's like, taking you out on a date?
Y/n: I have no idea.
She suddenly stopped looking in the clothes and turned to me.
Moe: Does he like you?!
My eyes widened as I looked at her.
Y/n: W-What? No!
Moe: Do you like him?
She wiggles her eyebrows at me.
Y/n: Well...maybe.
Moe: Maybe?
Y/n: Okay! Yes, I like him!
Moe: I knew it!
She did a little happy dance.
Y/n: Aish! Stop it! You're embarrassing me!
I said as I covered my face with my hands. She eventually stopped and looked at me.
Moe: Come on, let's find you something cute to wear.
With that, we stsrted looking again.
Y/n: Bye Moe!!
Moe: Bye! Have fun tonight!
She then drove away. I walked inside my house and went to my bedroom to get ready. I took out my outfit and laid it on the bed and looked at the time.
Y/n: Okay, its 5pm, I have two hours to get ready.
I didn't need to take a shower because I took one this morning, so I decided to start with my hair. I curled my hair and put the top half of my hair into a top knot. I then did my makeup.When I was finished with that, I changed into my clothes. I was wearing a white shirt and a dark green cardigan, ripped skinny jeans, and my black converse. I looked in the mirror.
Y/n: Perfect.
I looked at my phone and it was 6:58pm. I got my phone and purse and went downstairs. As I was going down the stairs the doorbell rang. I got to the door and opened it.
Joon: Hey.
Y/n: Hi.
I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.
Y/n: How do I look? Is this okay?
Joon: You look beautiful.
I blushed from his words.
Y/n: Thanks.
Joon: Shall we?
Y/n: We shall.
I laughed as well walked to his car and got in. He started the car and started driving.
Afternoon a while, he stopped the car at a restaurant.
Joon: Follow me.
He said and got out of the car, and I did the same. He started walking with me following behind. We got to the door and he opened it.
Joon: Ladies first.
Y/n: Wow, such a gentleman.
I said as I walked in.
Joon: Have you be.
I laughed at him.
W: Hello, welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?
Joon: Yes, its under Kim Namjoon.
W: Ah, of course Mr.Kim. Right this way.
He grabbed two menus and took us to our table. We sat down and he placed the menus in front of us.
W: Can I start you off with something to drink?
Y/n: I'll just have a water, thank you.
W: And for you sir?
Joon: I'll have water as well.
W: I'll be right back with your drinks.
He then walked away and Namjoon and I looked through the menu.
Y/n: What are you getting?
Joon: I'm getting a steak. How about you?
Y/n: I don't know...
Just then the waiter came back with our drinks and sat them down.
W: Are you ready to order?
I looked at Namjoon.
Joon: I'll have the steak.
He wrote it down on his notepad then turned to me.
W: And for you ma'am?
Y/n: I'll have the same as him.
W: Okay, I'll go put in your orders. It'll be ready soon.
He walked away and I looked over at Namjoon.
Y/n: So, why did you suddenly decided to take me out?
Joon: Well, I just thought you needed it.
I felt a little disappointed, but I hid it. After a while, our food came and we started eating.
Y/n: Wow, this is amazing!
Joon: Only the best for you.
I looked at him.
Y/n: What?
Joon: You heard me.
I blushed hard from that. After we were done eating, he paid and we got back in the car.
Y/n: That was nice. I had fun.
Joon: That wasn't what I was talking you out for. That was just the start of the night.
I was a little confused, but decided to keep quiet and let him drive to who knows where.
After a little bit, he stopped the car again.
Y/n: The beach?
Joon: Yeah. Come on.
He got out and I followed him. We walked for a little bit and stopped at the edge of the sand. I took off my shoes and walked towards where the water meets the sand. I stood there, looking out over the ocean. I felt Namjoon stand next to me.
Joon: Beautiful, isn't it?
Y/n: Yeah, it is.
I felt him grab my handand I looked at him.
Joon: Y/n, I need to tell you something.
I turned to face him.
Y/n: What is it?
He turned his body so he was faving me fully.
Joon: I've been meaning to say this for a while...
My heart started to beat faster and faster.
Joon: But...I've had feelings for you for a while, but I just didn't know how to tell you, so...
He took a deep breath.
Joon: I like you, Y/n.
I froze. I didn't know what to say.
Joon: Now, I want to ask you something.
Y/n: W-What?
Joon: Will you be my girlfriend?
End chapter 13, chapter 14 coming soon!
Hey everyone! Sorry I took so long to update, but I've just been busy with school and volleyball and some other things. I hope you all understand! I love you all! Thank you❤

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