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Boi imma bouta go off!

You can not own a word!

Black People dont own the n-word, trans people don't own the t-word, women don't own the C-word.

It's simple.

Okie, do I saw this video by Jackson Bird (I don't like him anyway, he's mostly where I go when I'm bored and I'm like 'Wonder what the PC trannies are up to') and this lady said that there are certain words that people say in her community (the n-word) (Yes, I know my argument is that you can't own a word, and I'm refusing to say the n-word, but I feel that if I do imma get death threats, so)) and was wondering if there are words within the trans community that only they use.

One of his words was the t-word.. tranny. But, he also said that only trans women can use that word.

You don't own that word, I don't own they word, they don't own that word. It a word that can be used by ANYONE. Derogatory or not, people have the right to speak.

The video

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