It Is I Hoomans

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Dear Filthy Hoomans,

It is I, King Meeko the ruler of this Earth and over all cats. I'm sure you pesky Hoomans, could do me many wonders. Like Feed me, Pet me, Feed me, Leave me alone while I nap, Feed me more and call me Sir Meeko the Amazing, Handsome, and Almighty. I shall be there when you don't want me and not there when you do happen to need me. Da da da dat da da da ya da...what was I doing? Oh yes. I will end with  this....*Youll be back from Hamilton plays* I will kill you're friends and family to remind you of my love. Da da da dat da dat da da da ya da-

-King Meeko the third

*Me cutting in*

Sorry that was my cat Meeko. He's the king of nothing other then this cat tree...

(What has my life come to?)

It's Meeeko Your Cat KingWhere stories live. Discover now