May 16th

304 22 1

Dear stranger,

My sister came home last week.

And my father thought it would nice

to have a family road trip.

Just like when I was younger,

And my sister and I would argue about not

sitting behind dad,

And mum would sing us cheesy songs,

And when we got to a river

Dad would take us fishing.

And we rented a RV

And took a week off school.

But this year my sister and I didn't argue

Because she was too occupied texting,

And mum didn't sing cheesy songs because she

said we're too old for it,

And dad didn't take us fishing because he has a bad heart,

And we didn't take a week off school

because we went on the weekend.

And when my family slept soundly,

I stared out the window,

And couldn't help but admire the stars,

Because stars are the only things

that never change.

Yours truly,


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