Section Five

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          I rushed over towards my car, my heart pounding. No, no, no, no! This couldn't really be real... could it? I ripped open my car door and sat inside. I should call my friend Tasha. She's always been a strong believer in the supernatural. She'd know what to do. At least I hope. 

          I dialled her number into my phone and waited anxiously. The phone began to ring, "Hello?" Tasha asks, her voice soft and joyful.

           "Hey! Tash!" I called, relieved " I really need your help!" my voice was full of worry. I honestly have no idea what's going on or how I'm going to fix it. I looked at my hand again, pulling my sleeve up my arm. It was spreading faster.

           The other end of the phone was quiet for about ten seconds. "Helloo?" She repeated, this time elongating the sound of the O.

          "Tasha?" I asked. Can she not hear me?

          "Helllooooo?" Tasha asked again. She waited a little while before hanging up. 

           I cursed under my breath. growling in frustration I started the car. I'm going back home and reading that damn letter again. Hopefully, I can find something in there that can actually be of some use. I should've never opened the stupid thing!

          I Opened my car door and ran inside with a panic. They're everywhere. those things! those faceless things! I saw them everywhere! only a few at first, and they were faint. but now there are hundreds, everywhere! Clear as day!

          As I walk through the door I kick off my sneakers and walk into the living room. I walk over to my fireplace. I look at all the pictures neatly set on top of it and pick one up. By this time almost my entire body was transparent, almost like a ghost. The photo was one of me and Sebastian, except now Sebastian was missing, and I could see the last of my features fading from the photo too. As I watched myself fade, the room began to spin, and my vision got splotchy. I never had time to search for the letter. After that everything went dark. I could hear a high pitched ringing in my ears, right before I heard my body drop to the floor with a dull thud.


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