5. First Day Pains

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The next two days after spending that —- in Chanyeol's opinion —- amazing night together, he didn't hear a single word from Baekhyun. He half expected him to call and apologize, but for what?

For Chanyeol the truth, that a life spent fawning after a man who couldn't see him for anything else other than a good fuck, was truly pathetic yet seemingly hopeless. When Chanyeol sleeps with someone, it's not for fun, he sleeps with someone because feelings have already begun to develop and he's also the type of man to not give up, even when it appears giving up would be in his best interest.

On the two days after his first one night stand, Chanyeol spent it holed up in his apartment picking at cold bowls of instant ramen as he unseeingly watched whatever happened to be on the channel he turned the TV on to. He didn't understand himself, his behavior was completely out of character and utterly lazy. Usually Chanyeol filled his days with all sorts of healthy activities, but ever since that night, his motivation has fallen flat. He couldn't even work up enough energy to take his regularly scheduled morning showers; or eat his health breakfast that a cup of instant ramen had replaced. And on some days, he even went to his local gym to work out, but the soft comfort of his couch and the mindless act of watching television had replaced the vigorous hours he spent exercising both his body and mind.

It was as if everything had suddenly become pointless, and it was truly pathetic because everything could be traced back to that day; that night; that morning; and that man who hasn't meant to lead him on.

He was stupid. He was sad. He was naive. He was pathetic.

All of those words . . . All of those words seemed to make up the new, sadly pathetic, pining Park Chanyeol. And he didn't see very many possibilities on how to make the situation any better, because on Monday, he would be starting his first day as Byun Baekhyun's new secretary.

Chanyeol had honestly been expecting Baekhyun to retract his offer because of that morning, but he hasn't, and as far as Chanyeol was aware he was still Baekhyun's secretary. And Chanyeol was dreading it all. He didn't want to work for a man he had slept with, then the next day claimed it had meant nothing to him. Chanyeol so badly wanted to call Baekhyun and tell him he couldn't accept the job, but he also couldn't let Baekhyun know just how much he had been affected.

Chanyeol was stuck, and the only possible way of escaping he could think of, was getting himself fired the old fashioned way without tipping off the boss he was too cowardly to quit.

• • •

Byun Baekhyun walked into his company on Monday morning with a cup of to-go coffee from a vendor in the lobby, and a pair of tinted glasses to hide the evidence of a sleepless night.

He loathed having to go into work early, especially on the nights he couldn't sleep, but knew if he left his company in the hands of someone else less efficient and strict as him, nothing would get done properly and his business would suffer. And he has worked too hard and suffered too much to get where he is now, to simply let everything he's fought and compromised for go up in flames because he was tired.

With a heavy sigh and a stifled yawn, Baekhyun pulled out his phone as he waited for the elevator doors to shut, when from outside the elevator he heard a racket. He pushed his glasses up into his hair as he frowned curiously, and peeked out into the lobby to catch a too tall, left footed idiot with big ears nearly trip on his way to the elevator.

Baekhyun inhaled a sharp breath, and brought his glasses down to cover his eyes as he willed the doors to close faster.

Come on! he mentally cheered. Close! Cl—-

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