Ep 1

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Yes that is me,Y/N .I am back with another spin-off adventure.....actually a disaster.You see this week it was my cousin's birthday and I almost forgot about it.The thing is,my cousin was soo angry that I had to do something.She loved flowers and once told
me if I could get her some...I though of bringing flowers 💐 to her which she would love.So I bought pink roses 🌹 from the flower shop and headed toward home when suddenly I fell down and over.

"Ouch🤣😅😢!" (Shit)
I though I broke my ankle since I fell soo hard.While I was massaging my ankles suddenly a voice said,
"Are you OK?!😦🤭😊"
A hand came in front of me but instead of holding it I looked up and saw such a handsome face I can't describe or I have ever seen in my life!!😍😋
I hold the hand and

While I was massaging my ankles suddenly a voice said,"Are you OK?!😦🤭😊"A hand came in front of me but instead of holding it I looked up and saw such a handsome face I can't describe or I have ever seen in my life!!😍😋I hold the hand and

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got up.I looked at the man.He was sooooo handsome I didn't have any words to describe or I have ever seen....he asked me,
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah.I am just fine.Fine..."
He kept on looking at me with the innocent smile I could have does for....Suddenly so remembered oh shit!!!!The birthday part !!!

I left his hand and started to fix my dress seeing it has crooked up.It's already late and so can't waste anymore time.I looked at him for the last time-aish,my mind didn't wanted to leave without talking him but nothing to do.

"T-thank you" I muttered under my breathe.

"Don't mention,are you sure you're okay??" He was still worried that he bumped me hard.

"N-no no !!! I'm just fine !!! 😇😇 (looking away ) Thanks again."

He looked away with a charming smile (Gosh,do I really need to die now!?).

"I'm glad,that a beautiful lady like you is not hurt for me😊😊😉😉." He winked at me.

Fuck!!!!! Did he just called me a "beautiful lady"!?!!?!🤭🤭😱😱 I think I'm gonna die cause I never took the time to notice myself.While I was blushing he came closer to me,held my chin with his big hand and made me look deeply in his eyes,sorry he looked deeply in my eyes👀. I was about to die for sure that time if it wasn't for his phone rang phone📱.
He stared at the phone screen and picked it up,whispered something and hung up.Then he turned towards me smiling and said

"Sorry gotta go,too bad I didn't get time to taste you😱😱😱."

WTF WTF WTF!?!!?? Did I heard it right!?!! Did he just said "time to taste you"?!? "Taste you"!?!!😱😱😱😱 What is you problem!??!! Arghhhhhh you wanna kill me or what!?!
Just then my phone rang and saw my cousin's name on the screen. I didn't wanted to pick it up knowing she'll be screaming at me right now so I packed my guts and started to run!

When I arrived,the house was full of people. I entered the house and my cousin rushed towards me and hugged me tightly.

"OMG Y/N you're so late I thought you weren't gonna make it!!"

"Here am I (chuckle), and these are for you. Happy birthday my sweetie!!"

"Ohhh they are sooo beautiful!!!! (Getting teary) 😥😥 you are the best ever cousin I've ever had.LYSM!!"

Let's get it shortly: the party starts by EXO kokobop and everyone started to dance and shimmy(shoulder wriggle).
Until I noticed my cousin walking toward me with a bright smile.

"Y/n, guess what?! It's now couple dancing!!! And I've someone who wants to meet you."

"Wow really?!😮😮 But you know I hate this kind of stupid stuffs like couple dancing,come one I'm just 14!!! You think it's necessary??"
But she just snickered and called loudly

"Come our prince priceless handsome !!!"

Everyone tuned around and started to cheer and scream wildly.That made me scared,but I turned as well and saw..

(To be continued..

Please like this ff if you liked the first episode.It's my first ff and hopefully I'll make interesting ffs which you all will love!! Please do follow me on Instagram @_masgotlost

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