things you didn't know-lilo (not by request)

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liams pov

being the 'daddy' of the group there aren't many things i don't know about the boys; harry can control himself and can get over emotional but in a good way, niall is inscure, zayn isn't as bothered by his appearance as people make out yes he does take longer than everyone else but he does it for confidents, louis is well louis he's hard to explain and understand out of everyone he is the one i know the least about. i know the basic facts but he is hard to read. but for some reason i still find my self atracted to him. any way i'm in bed it's 1 am and i can't sleep so i'm reading. then my door creaks open, i jump putting my book down.

louis; liam?

me; shit lou you gave me a heart attack what are you doing in here?

as i said that thunder rumbled. 

louis; because of that

i raised an eyebrow even though he couldn't really see i only had a small lamp on. but he sounded so broken and vunerable.

me; lou-

louis; it doesn't matter i'll go

he turned around in the half light and began walking away he was shaking and didn't look down tripping over some clothes

i jumped out of bed and ran over picking him up

me; ssh lou i'm here. i've got you

i walked over to the bed putting him down then getting in next to him before rapping my arms around him. he nuzzled into my chest

me; louis why have you never told me you were scared of thunder?

louis; didn't want to seem childish, thank yo-

there was a rather loud rumble of thunder cutting across louis' sentance as he squeked hidding his head completly

me; louis you should have told me i need to know these things

louis; theres alot you don't know about me lili

me; like what?

louis; like the fact that i'm gay

i froze did he just say that? there was more thunder and lightning and louis hid into me.

me; it's ok lou everythings ok i'll protect you

louis; why?

me; cause i love you

fuck. did i just say that

louis; you don't need to say that to make me feel better li

me; i mean it lou

louis; really?

me; yes

louis; i love you to lili

he reached up and conected our lips fireworks exploded as we kissed ignoring the thunder.

once we broke appart he yawned

me; go to sleep lou i'm here now

he nodded and closed his eyes and i quickly followed

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2012 ⏰

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