Chapter 2

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Antone woke up, the feeling of something strong and firm caressing his back. Along his face cushioned in between something big and soft. He opened his eyes and were face to chest with Oliver in his costume. The aroma of musk surrounded him, blanketing him in comfort. He felt something firm and warm around the torso. He looked down and saw green... arms? Yeah arms. No, wait they were arms covered in a spandex outfit. One belonging to a Lantern. The moving motion of both Hal and Oliver's chest and stomach, provided both a sensational form of comfort and warmth.

Then Antone heard a familiar sound, that of
his father, snoring. He lifted his head a bit to glance and saw scarlet dressed speedster curled against the emerald archer. He smiled and went back to sleep, only to be troubled by the reoccurring nightmarish visions.

Ones no one knows about. Ones that nobody in the League knows of. Ones that have plagued his sleep since birth. Ones of the destruction of alternative universes led by the same two beings.

Darkseid and Braniac.

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