Tears and Fears

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Tap! Tap! Tap!

Tip! Tip! Tip!

Tip! Tap! Tip! Tap!

Tippity-tap! Tappity-tip!

"Could you stop doing that? Please?" Victor called to his  friend Rajab who was tapping his foot against the floor

Yes, it is amazing the things we can do when we get bored of waiting. He, for example, was making music by tapping his foot on the ground.

Victor was pacing around anxiously. What was taking her that long?

"Could you please stop pacing?" Rajab retorted.

"Hey! I am nervous!"

"So am I! I wanna get in there..."

"You can't save her from this! It is her destiny! It is her right! It is her purpose! She was born to do this!"

"You mean it was her destiny and purpose to try on a Marie-Antoinette inspired creation? Really Victor? Really?!"

"Okay, maybe I am like this because I haven't had a sister for 18 years!"

"Gee, thanks!" Naimah called across from him. "Don't mind me, I am a wall flower!"

"Sorry Naimah," a young lady who looked a lot like Rajab called across the room. She winked at Victor who sighed. She was just a year older than him, while Rajab was two years older than her.

Naimah, unfortunately, was 18 like Vasheronne and Victor.

The door was thrown open and Queen Charonne walked out, smiling happily.


"It fits! She'll be out in a few. Naimah, could you sit next to your brother? His pacing is wearing me out."

"Well, if you guys stopped fighting long enough, you'd realize how weird it is to see boys fighting over clothes!" Naimah said as she sat by her best friend in the whole world. Victor shrugged his shoulders. He knew that she was referring to him.

The doors of the changing cubicle opened to reveal a flustered looking Vasheronne. She was wearing... a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with over-sized tennis shoes.

"What happened?! Why aren't you in the dress?" Victor cried, striding towards her.

"I didn't want it to get wrinkled and dirty..."

"That's why they made a second dress!" he said, looking visibly upset. Everyone stared at him in shock. Him freaking out felt so wrong.


Rajab smiled, making everyone laugh before proceeding to ask the young lady why she was not trying out her dress, to which she replied that she didn't want the dress to get dirty.

"Well, luckily for you, they come in pairs for that very purpose," Quenn Charonne.

Vasheronne was not listening though, she was looking at her mum's graceful pose. Would she ever be like that?

"Ronnie? Are you okay?"

Naimah was standing in front of her cousin, waving her hand over her face.

"He used to call me that," Vasheronne muttered to herself.

"Vasheronne, are you okay? You seem upset."

"Thanks Mulan," she looked at Rajab's sister who smiled at her in a friendly manner.


Vasheronne shut her eyes, giggling to herself as she tried to act serious, but who was she kidding? Victor and Naimah were hilarious. Mulan was having the same problem as she could both see and hear them.

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