five more minutes ➰ grayson

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the sound of rain woke you up, the curtains were open just ajar so you could see into the outside world. the water fell from the sky rapidly. your heavy eyelids were struggling to stay open for more than a couple of seconds. you stretched around in the spacious bed you were lying it that was ever so comfy, debating if you should actually get up and do something productive.

you were tired, this was one of the longest sleeps you had had in weeks. you had barely seen grayson, with his busy schedule of filming and you going to school so often, you never had time to even talk, let alone touch. you missed him, this day was just going to be catching up, watching movies and cuddling. you loved these types of days, where you didn't have to care about your appearance, stay in your pyjamas and relax.

you checked your phone for the weather to see it would be raining all day and chilly, you groaned. you and grayson had plans to go and see ethan for lunch but now those plans were cancelled. you dropped him a quick text saying that you should reorganise for a different day, he sent a short reply saying definitely. he had his girlfriend over anyways.

speaking of grayson, you turned over to see the god himself in his sleepy glory. his hair was messy and fluffy but still looked incredible, you wanted to run your hands through it so badly but you didn't want to wake him from his precious state. his tanned skin was smooth, his long thick eyelashes covered his eyes, covering the hazel that you could get lost in underneath. and his mouth? his lips were slightly parted and looking so kissable, you would be happy to kiss him all day.

your hand reached out to caress his cheek, your thumb running over his lips as he started to wake, nuzzling into your hand.

"good morning sleepy head." you whispered as his eyes started to open, he hummed. "good morning to you to." he smiled, his eyelids closing again.

he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your closer into his naked chest. he was a werewolf, he was warm all the time. i called him my personal heater.

his fingers brushed up and down my spine as my fingers get lost in his messy locks.

"hey, that tickles!" i giggled, "sorry," he mumbled, "is it raining?"

i nodded, "all day, i texted ethan to say we couldn't come, he said something about doing it friday."

he nodded his head as he fit his chin in this crook of your neck, placing light kisses all the way up to your mouth. he was just about to kiss your lips when you put your hand over his mouth, he frowned.

"as much as i would love to kiss my gorgeous boyfriend right now, we both have morning breath. we need to go and brush our teeth." i said slightly tugging on his arms to signal to let me go.

"nooo.." he whined, "i want cuddles, i miss you..." you giggled, he was adorable.

"we can cuddle after, come on. up and at 'em." you slightly tapped his shoulder, his response was just pulling you tighter.

"five more minutes."

"okay lover boy, you have five more minutes and i'm getting clean. we can cuddle for the rest of the day, i will bring you breakfast."

he huffed, finally letting go as you made your way to the bathroom and washing. you had a crazy quick shower, (as in 5 minutes), you left your hair wet because you couldn't be bothered to dry it. plus, it would wake grayson up.

you shuffled down the stairs as you turnt the radio on, bopping to the music. turning the cooker on, you found bacon in the fridge. you started cooking when a really good song came on, you swayed your hips to the movement, not noticing grayson coming down the stairs.

"damn babe, you got some moves. wanna teach me?" you turned around embarrassed that he had caught you, you shyed away. covering your face with your hands.

he came up behind you and hugged you. kissing your cheek laughing as you both grew excited for the day ahead.


this was dreadful lol

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