She'll Never Notice

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|Jirou's P.O.V.|

  Waking up, I see that I look a mess. Usually, I don't give a crap. But today is different, today I'm hanging out with Yaoyorozu.

  She and I are friends, but I have a confession to make. I love her, but I know she'll never see me like that. In fact, she may never see me the same again after I tell her, and I'd hate that. I'm so sure that she's got eyes for Todoroki, but, hey, I could be wrong. That's a very big 'could'. Deep in thought, I almost didn't hear my phone buzz.

'1 new message from 💕Momo💕'

  'Sorry, can't hang out today, forgot about this thing I had with Todoroki. Maybe tommorow?'

  'Well, what a waste of time' is what I wanted to respond with, but I didn't.

' 'kay'

'Message sent'

  I sigh, picking up my phone again and getting onto the group chat.

  Jirou: Hey, anyone up to hang out today?

  Denki: Can't, got plans.

  Sero: Sounds cool

  Kiri: Gotta pass, Baku and I are hanging out

  Denki: uwu ❤❤❤

  Kiri: Bro, stop. It's not like that!

  Sero: Don't deny it

  Kiri: Okay, this IS Bakugo and I'm 'bout to murder you all

  Denki: Ok, I'mma stop

  Sero: I'm done

  Tsuyu: I'll hang out with you, Kyo-chan.

  I close my phone. Tsuyu and Sero, huh? This'll be fun. I pull out paper and start doodling a little picture of Yaoyorozu.


  "Hey, Kyoka."

  "Nice picture."

  I turn around, "Did you two just let yourselves in?!" Sero chuckles. "Relax, it was my idea." I grimace and turn to see Tsuyu rummaging through my stuff. "Do you have any more pictures?" She pulls out a crumpled up paper, "What's thi-?!"

  "Hey, that's mine!" I yell, snatching it out of her hands. Tsuyu whimpers an apology. "Sorry, it's just… personal..." She smiles awkwardly.

  "Yo, Kyoka," I directed my eyes toward Sero, "Do you always draw Momo?" I scowled, "N-no! And don't call her that!" He holds his hands up, "Okay, geez. You like her that much?"

  This whole conversation had me playing defense. "How did you-! I mean... I don't..." Tsuyu looked up. "It was kinda obvious..." She mumbles, "But everyone has someone... Take Sero, he ha-"

  "That's enough, Tsuyu!" Sero immediately cut her off, Tsuyu laughs. "What? Do you not want her to hear about-!"

  "I said that's enough, okay?!" He shouts with a laugh, "I have a thing for Kaminari, okay?" He caught his breath and continued, "Besides, Momo- err... Yaoyorozu isn't bad." I smile, but she'll never love you back. I bite my lip, I know that.


  Well, it was a painful conversation to have, but I got that Tsuyu has a crush on Uraraka, surprising to me. It seems like we talked for hours, the time passed by fast though.

  Now, it's definitely the day for Yaoyorozu and I to hang out! I pick up my phone and text her.

Jirou: So, ready for today?

💕Momo💕: Totally! I can't wait!

Jirou: See ya in a few minutes

💕Momo💕: Still meeting at the coffee shop?

Jirou: Yeah, unless you have a better place?

💕Momo💕: Nope, see you there then

  I'm so happy, I sigh as I turn off my phone to get ready. "Oh, I love you, Yaoyorozu."


  When I get to the coffee shop, I find Yaoyorozu already sitting down. "You didn't have to pick Starbucks, you know, Yaoyorozu. It's pretty expensive." I say as I sit down. She laughs, "No, it's cool. Here, I bought you something already." I was about to decline when I realize, she picked my favorite, "Kyoka? Jirou? Did I pick the wrong coffee? Or was it the creamer?"

  "No, it's exactly what I wanted..." I let a small smile show. She beams, "Oh good, I hoped you'd enjoy it." Fuck, how cute. Dammit, I need to stay away from Bakugo.

  I look her over, she looks particularly nice today. "W-what are you staring? It's making me nervous, something wrong?" I shake my head with a blush. She seems relieved, "You look... perfect." I say with a far off and airy tone. She blushes and thanks me. I just nod, I wasn't lying or anything. She does look perfect. Her jeans and plain white shirt suit her nicely, and her scarf is pretty cute too. I smile inwardly and she starts to speak, "Well, shall we get going?" I nod, standing up. Momo's too pure for a gay like you. I know that.


  "What do you wanna do first?" Yaoyorozu asks, looking up at the towering rides. Yes, we are at a theme park. I point to the tallest coaster, "That one." I think she's shivering, but she reluctantly agrees. She's holding my hand now, oh my God. I don't regret.

  "You okay?" I ask, Yaoyorozu nods violently, "We didn't have to get in line." She shakes her head, grasping my hand. "N-no, today, you get to decide on things." She forces a smile, I burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! I'm not laughing at you, just... Oh, I'm sorry!" I say through fits of laughter. She doesn't do what I expect her to, but laughs along.

  "Why are you laughing?" I ask, she turns red.

  "I'm laughing with you." And we both crack and continue to laugh.


  "I'm going to regret this." Yaoyorozu sighs, I smile. "I won't." The ride starts immediately going upwards. And up, and up, and up.

  "Are we ever going to drop-!" Yaoyorozu yells and hugs onto me. I start yelling, "Oi, Yaoyorozu, do you have a fear of heights?" She yells back, "No, just falling from them! Eep!" I'm keeping that picture.

  "I'm never... ever getting on that again..." Yaoyorozu mumbles, "I can't handle those loops, is this what Ochaco feels like?" I laugh a bit with a shrug. "I'm picking next." She says with a cough. I act like it's cool, but really I am gazing at her, AGAIN. She's so perfect, it's like there isn't anyone else here. I go along when she practically drags me to the next ride.

  So, now we're on a cutesy boat ride. To be honest, I secretly enjoy some cute things. SOME. Like Yaoyorozu. I feel a smile creep up my face. "I didn't know you liked this kinda thing, Kyoka." Yaoyorozu laughs. I roll my eyes, "It's okay... Maybe boring, but yeah..." She giggles again, "We're getting off."

  "I'm gonna go get a snack!" Yaoyorozu exclaims when we walk by a concession stand. I nod and put my hands behind my head. "'Kay, I'll go find a seat." We share a look before parting.


  "Where do you find a seat around this place?" I groan, continuing on my desperate search for a bench.

  "Kyoka!" I turn around, too late. We both fall onto the ground. "Sorry! Are you hurt?" Yaoyorozu panics. I force a smile, "It's cool." She looks relieved and helps me to my feet.

  "I was going to ask... Do you want some Skittles?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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