Chapter 3

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I was thinking was I the only person that's confused? Then Ms.Chapkins was writing on the chalk board. I was freaking out because in 2014 we have smart boards not chalk boards! And on the walk to school there were less cars than their were and the cars looked real different! I thought about what I was confused about. Then I realized again that my house, my mom, my classroom,the cars, my classmates, my teacher....I'm in 1976 just like it says on the board! Then I was getting excited because I always wanted to be in this time period! I wanted to go home to look more closely in the past so I said "Ms.Chapkins can I go to the nurse I don't feel good" even though i did i felt perfectly fine.she said "go ahead I hope your okay" I walked towards the door I made a complete fool of my self because I was so used to pulling the door handle I had to push Alyssa said "don't you remember you have to punch not pull" "oh yeah I ..I..I...forgot" I didn't even know what to say! She just gave me a dirty look and walked away.

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