Chapter 1

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           Iris west has always known two things, 1, her name, is Iris Ann West, and 2, she has a soulmate, and shes gonna find him, and no matter what happens, shes going to be alright, and on her left wrist she has first soul mark, the letters CCPD, written in his handwriting, whoever he is. Iris was on her way to CCPD, walking on the sidewalk, papers in hand, she was on a lead for her latest story, for Central City Picture News, a story on an armed robbery turned homicide, when she wanted a quote, from someone, who had any sort of evidence or anything, as she entered the doors to CCPD, she found her dad talking to officer Mendez,  as she saw him, he turned around, to give him a big hug 

"Hey baby girl!" he said,

 "Hey dad!" she said wrapping her arms around her father.

 "What can i help you with iris?"

 iris took a step back and showed him the picture of the robber, "recognize him? anything you can give me for my article?" 

 "actually, that was a pretty big case, lots of evidence, upstairs, with the CSI, his name is Barry Allen, he might be able to help you,"

"Thanks dad! "

"wait, iris hold on, don't get mad if he can't help you, you know how pushy you can be, "

"whats the supposed to mean?!" iris said, laughing,

"nothing, nothing baby girl, i'll see you later for dinner, at the house" Joe said, waving

Iris looked at her wrist, holding it, every time, she steps foot into this place, she wonders if this is when i'm going to meet him, her soul mate, her one and only, and they say, you have a special feeling, like you know, and you have this feeling of pure happiness, one time last year, Joe's old partner , Eddie thawne, had asked her out, but she just didn't feel right about it, so she declined, even though it was under the roof of her special little place,  some people cover their marks, but Iris, she leaves her mark bare, sometimes for the curiosity of it,  she wonders whenever she comes across someone new, if they might be the one, Iris stepped up the tall stairs, towards the lab, shes never really been up here much, sometimes she has, for the luxury, of the private bathroom, with the single stall, anyway, she could get used to walking up the stairs to the amazing view of the precinct , watching over everything, she finally continued walking towards the CSI lab, where she would find this "Barry Allen" 

Iris found the lab, with a giant steel door, opened though, she knocked on the door, not wanting to disturb him, 

"Hey! I'm Iris West, i was wondering if you had any evidence or anything you could give me for my article for CCPN?" 

"Uh, yeah! sure," Barry said, he slowly turned around and put down his vile of orange liquid he was holding, as he faced her, iris looked into his eyes, his beautiful green eyes, possibly the most gorgeous eyes shes ever seen. Suddenly, her breath got stuck in her throat, and her heart kept fluttering and beating rapidly.  He looked at her, and looked her in the eyes, then immediately started smiling, 

"So, um," Barry couldn't stop smiling, "What case, do you, um need?" he look so flustered, with one look from her, but to be honest, Iris felt the same way, 

"Yes, the one with latest murder, 2 guys, tried to um, rob a bank, captain cold, and his pyromaniac friend?.."  Iris asked, shyly still smiling

"Yeah, Leonard Snart, everything i can give you is in this folder," he said, handing her a folder, grazing her hand with his. 

Iris caught attention, to Barry's wrist, and his sign, as far as she could make out, all she could see, was the word "Article" written in her handwriting,  she thinks, that this could be that special moment everyone talks about, that feeling of pure happiness, of glee, so out of pure curiosity,  and something a little unusual to iris, hope, she reached for his wrist, he looked down at her hand, then moved her wrist over to show her own mark.  A look of astonishment crossed both of their faces, then suddenly they both felt a tingling sensation and a little pain in their wrists, there marks where changing, 

"Iris, your my..." Barry started 

"Soul mate," they said together,  

"Yes, i guess i am," she responded 

then to both of there surprise, they both dropped everything they were holding, and pulled each other into a passionate kiss, then she felt it, a spark, something between them, proving they got it right,  when they pulled away, and then came a crashing sound through the back window, a something, a something evil, and awful, that would possibly ruin their new found special forever, when Barry got hit in the back by a dagger, that looked an awful lot like an lightning bolt.  

"HELP! ANYONE! BARRY,, SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!!!" iris screamed, in desperation, 

---to be continued-----

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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