Chapter One

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Donny stared at Vanessa's teary-eyed face. "I can't do this anymore. I just can't. I can no longer be second.", Vanessa wails.

Donny tries consoling her. "Baby, I can't leave my wife. We have a son together and she's pregnant with my daughter. If I leave her, I will lose my kids."

"Then why are you with me? Why are we doing this huh? I am tired of going behind your wife's back. You promised that you were going to leave her so that we could be together!"

Donny lets out a deep sigh, agitated he rubs his hand across his face, trying to think of what to do.

"Baby look just give me some more time. I have figure out how to break it gently to my wife. Just please", Donny begs Vanessa.

He can't let go of Vanessa. He loves her to much. He hasn't loved his wife in years, only staying because of his son, and only bedding her so she stays off his back.

Now he realizes, how terrible of a mistake that was. He should have left his wife before ever starting this relationship. He can see the guilt on Vanessa's face. He can see how this is taking a toll on her. He must fix, he has to fix this somehow. He can't lose her, he just can't. But he can't lose his children either.

"Look, I will call you tonight alright? I will figure this out. I promise."

Vanessa nods her head in confirmation. She stares at his back as he leaves. She knows she can't do this any longer. Anger and guilt creep into her gut, burning her throat, and threatening to spill. She shakes her head to herself.

"I can't do this." She whispers to herself. She can no longer be the other woman. Vanessa knows she hasn't loved Donny in a while. She wanted to leave when she first found out about his wife but is promises of leaving her caused her to stay. After empty words and broken promises, her feelings for the man has faded. She has only put up with the affair this long because she's pregnant. She knows she needs to tell him. She knows. She will tonight, when he calls. She will end things, only communicating with him about their child.

Donny takes his time getting home. He is dreading the break up talk he is going to have. But he can no longer betray his wife this way.

Taking a deep breath, he opens his front door and walks into his home. His wife sits on the couch with their son, watching tv. Her arms resting comfortably on her heavily pregnant belly.

"Jacob, go play in your room for a bit." Donny orders his son. Jacob quickly hops off the couch to happily go play with his toys.

"Heather, we need to talk."

His wife looks at him with wary eyes. "Talk then", she snips.

With a deep sigh, he tells her bluntly. "I have been having an affair. I love her. I'm sorry, but I do. I can't continue to betray you and have this secret anymore. It isn't fair to anyone. I'm so sorry."

Heather nods at him. "That's okay Donny. All I ask is that I get to keep the house during the divorce."

"Of course, Heather."

Donny walks off to make a phone call to Vanessa.

Heather eyes Donny as he walks outside, pulling out his phone. Heather has suspected for a few months that he has been cheating on her. It wasn't surprising that she didn't feel any sadness or anger. If anything, Heather feels relieved. She now has a reason to divorce her husband. She should have left long ago but didn't want to break up her family. Getting pregnant was not ideal, but to Heather, a blessing all the same. She doesn't blame Donny. She could tell neither one of them has been happy for quite some time.

Heather waddles herself to their sons room, to talk to him. To break the news to him. Surprisingly, he took the news just as well.

"He's hardly home anyways mamma. It will be okay." Jacob tells her while patting her tummy. She smiles at her son.

Donny calls Vanesa, excited to tell her he's finally broken it off with his wife.

She picks up on the first ring.


"Baby, I've broken it off with Heather. Her only request was to keep the house."

Vanesa sighs. "Look Donny. We can't be together. I'm sorry. I've tried and tried to be patient with you, and my love has run thin. I don't think I can keep being with you. The guilt of what we have done is to much. Can't we just be friends for our child?"

"Our child?"

"Yes. I am pregnant. I am four months pregnant. I kept meaning to tell you but couldn't find the right time." Vanesa tells Donny.

"So, you're just going to leave me? I love you Vanesa. I love you more then I have ever loved anyone in my life. You're the first and only person I have ever betrayed my vows for. The only person I have seen a future with. I love you with all my heart. Please don't do this. Don't. Can we please just try and work this out? Please Vanesa!" Donny cries into the phone.

His knuckles turn white from gripping his phone so tight, and he starts to shake. He couldn't believe this. He was losing the person he thought to be his soul mate and she won't even listen to him.

She hangs up on him, not able to hear his pleading anymore. She feels distraught, but knows deep down, that it would never work. She would never be able to live with the nagging guilt of marrying a husband she was having an affair with.

This whole thing is a mess, she thinks. She shakes her head, disbelief at what she's done. Who would have thought goody two shoes Vanesa Reed would have an affair with a married man and get pregnant by said man?

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