Chapter Two

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Donny wasn't going to give up Vanesa realizes. It's been five months since she has broken things off and he still is trying to fight for her. She throws away another banquet of flowers he has sent her. He sends one every day. She's trashed every single letter. She's blocked his phone number, and when that didn't work, she changed her number all together.

Vanesa knew she was going to have to figure out a way to get him to stop.

Heather was glad when their daughter was born, and she could finally proceed with the divorce proceedings. She was finally free from the man. The only contact she had with him was about the kids. Thankfully, she only saw him twice a month when they did their weekly exchanges of their children. She couldn't be happier. Heather's life was finally going how she always imagined it would be.

Donny would never give up. He wouldn't. "Not until I get my Vanesa back!" he cries out into the wind like a lunatic. He's tried everything to get her to talk to him, to no avail.

It's been three months now since Vanesa has given birth to their daughter. He has only seen their daughter once. Vanesa refuses to let him see her more then that. But he hasn't given up. Not yet.

Donny Continues to write letters, send flowers and gifts for both Vanesa and Lacey, his daughter.

He figures she will come around soon. He needs those two in his life. He will never stop fighting for their love. Vanesa wouldn't give him the time of day when he got down on his hands and knees to beg for her back, but that wouldn't deter him. Why couldn't she see how much he loved her and needed her?

It was two weeks later that he realized that maybe, just maybe he had lost Vanesa for good. A petition for child support and paternity had come to him certified mail. She wants sole custody with him having almost no visitation with their child. She wants him to pay $700 weekly to her in child support.

He couldn't afford that. Why was she doing this? He's been trying to see their daughter. Her to, but also his daughter. He's a good father. He's a good man, he tries to rationalize to himself.

Donny doesn't understand. Why. Just why is she doing this?

It's at that moment he sees Vanesa at the park with their daughter and another man. Their hands conjoined together while the man's other arm is holding their daughter. His daughter. It's at this moment, that he knows. He knows he's lost Vanesa. His love. His life. His heart.

How can he continue, when she clearly doesn't want him? When it's clear that he's being replaced in all aspects of not only Vanesa's life, but their daughter's life as well.

Dejected, he turns away and walks to his motel room. I guess this is it he thinks to himself. This is the end.

Out of everything, I get nothing. I am empty. 

Empty Betrayal #RomanceToBeorNottoBeWhere stories live. Discover now