chapter thirteen

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Carver's pov

"so these are all the cameras?" I asked as we looked at the three computers.

"Yeah, of them" Stiles said making adjustments.

Suddenly everything was black. Vision. I grabbed Liam's and stiles' s arms.

"vision" I stated.

"woah" Liam said I suposse looking at my eyes.

"there isn't any paper or pencil, what do you see?" asked Stiles.

"'s black" I said.

"what? is that German?" asked Stiles.

"what? I said I see nothing!" I shouted still seeing black.

"I think it's Greek" stated Kira.

I'm not speaking english am I...nope...

I gasped as I fell to the floor.

Next I appeared in a small space with only a blue blanket. I see what Scott sees.

I felt around and looked ahead of me and saw a long passage way. I turned on my stomach and started crawling towards it. I pushed the door open and fell to the floor In the same leggings sweatshirt and boots I was in before.

I stood up and saw Scott a few feet ahead of me.

"Scott?" I asked. He didn't see or hear me. I was just a ghost to him.

"catch" said a familiar voice. Scott caught the ball and I looked up to see Liam in his lacrosse uniform.

"that's why you're team captain" He smiled and started walking down the hall.

that's weird...?

Me and Scott followed him and ended up in a classroom with a computer. Scott typed in his name and three things came up.

'the mute

the orphans

the chemist'

"I can't do that, I can't kill them" said Scott

"someone has to" said Liam appearing from no where.

"why me?" Scott asked.

"because you're the alpha"

"I'm not a murder" Scott countered.

"but you're a predator"

"no, w-were predators but w-we don't have to-we don't have to-" Scott couldn't finish and Liam looked disappointed.

Scott slammed the computer top down and and I jumped frightened by his actions.

I heard struggling and looked over and saw Liam and the mute with his tomahawk in Liam's back.

I started crying. "no no no" I repeated over and over.

He pulled his tomahawk out and looked at Scott. Liam reached out for help "Scott" He said.

The mute made a 'shh' signal and raised his tomahawk. "Scott please" Liam begged.

"NOOOO!!!" I shrieked as the tomahawk went straight into Liam's back.

"nooo!! no no no!!" I screamed and cried falling to the floor.

"Carver" Said a voice.

"Nooo! noo! Liam!!! LIAAAAM!!!" I cried more.

"Carver!" the same voice yelled. I opened my eyes and saw Liam, Kira and Stiles surrounding me on the floor. I emidiatly hugged Liam.

"I'm sorry" I cried. "I'm so sorry"

"shh it's ok Carver, I'm here" He said comforting me and holding me.


"so you see what Scott sees?" Stiles asks.

I nodded and sniffled.


"wh-what exactly happened?" He askes.

I looked at him and felt more tears and shook my head. "I can't say"

"someone you love died" Liam said.

Everyone looked at him. "When you screamed because you thought Scott was dead it sounded just like when you had the vision. Except you screamed my name" He explained.

" died...He killed you and I tried to help but I couldn't" More tears fell again.

Liam wiped them away and hugged me.

"I hate to interrupt but is that suppossed to look like that?" asked Kira pointing to a camera.

"no-no its not" Stiles said.

"where is that?" Kira asked.

"its the roof someones gonna have to check it out"

"ill go" Kira stated.

"woah woah this might not be a malfunction"

"that's why I'm bringing this" Kira said showing her blade.

Stiles nodded eyeing the weapon.

"I'm coming with you" Liam said going after her.

I grabbed his hand. "what? no! I just lost you and I'm not losing you again" I said.

"you didn't lose me and you won't. I'll be careful" He kissed me and left

"yeah and you're coming right back, emidiatly. Huh, Kids"

Black is You *Liam Dunbar/Teen Wolf*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora