From Russia With Love: Chapter 5

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Author's note: Sorry for the huge jump everyone, but this next chapter is set in the current year. The only difference between this and the Hunger Games is that more than one country (for example, Scandinavia and Germany and [Bosnia and Herzegovina]) can win. I promise this will be a long(ish) chapter. Also, if I spelled any country's name wrong, please alert me. 

March 19, 2012 - The Hunter's Bowl 

As my family and I get on the train, Alyx turns into a shaking, whimpering mess. Rebekka senses this and asks 'What's wrong, Alyx? Are you alright?' He nods and says 'I've never been outside Novosibirsk; I won't know what to expect, where to go, what to do...' Dimitriy snorts and whispers evilly in Alyx's ear 'Expect to die, get as far away from any suspicious activity as you can, and kill the other bastards!' 

Alyx responds 'I'm not a killing machine, Dimitriy; not like you!' Since this is Alyx's first Bowl, and my third, I speak up. 'Worry not, Alyx; I will protect you, and Rebekka.' He calms down a bit, then yawns and says 'I'm exhausted already; I'm going to sleep.' He falls assleep stretched out on the seat, dividing the length of him between Rebekka, myself, and Boris; of course, we are evenly spaced out, and don't mind him sleeping across our laps. 

When he wakes up 4 hours later, we are stopping in Sarajevo, [SAW-raw-YAY-VOE] Serbia to pick up the next set of Hunters. 'Are we there yet?' he asks. 'Not even close' Dimitriy mumbles. 

'No' I whisper whilst mentally slapping Dimitriy, who flinches as soon as he feels it. 'It is just a pick-up again. While you were sleeping we picked up the Austrian and Czechoslovakian teams.' He nods, mumbles 'Oh; alright', and goes back to sleep. One's first Bowl can be tiring, so I, along with some of the others, know how he feels. It's still a shame that Papa couldn't be here with us. 

***Many hours later*** 

After picking up the remaining European teams (I don't know how many there were; I got bored of watching after we picked up all of the Scandinavians) we make a loop back north-west, towards the UK. We have made some allies in the American team already, so with their help, both of our teams just might win this thing. 

About ten minutes later, some of the Americans come back into the car. They still seem surprised that Alyx is sleeping still; and on top of us, too! One of the eldest, Nicolai, asks 'Is that not uncomfortable for the three of you?'

Rebekka and I shake our heads and Boris shrugs his shoulders. Because Alyx is our brother, we don't care in the least. If he's tired, he's tired; there's nothing we can do to stop him anyway. Rebekka strokes his hair just as Mama does, and he sighs in comfort.

Nicolai speaks again, this time not to question us. 'I suppose if one of my brothers slept on my lap, I wouldn't mind it much, either. You all seem so... tranquil, despite the fact that your death is imminent- oops, wrong coven. Your family will survive, but I cannot say that you will go completely unharmed in this game; there will be some bloodshed on your family's part, though none will die.'

Soon, a ginger male and brunette female join Nicolai inside the car, after hanging around outside it for so long. 'That is enough, Nicolai; there is no need to frighten them before they set foot on the playing field. Pardon me, ma'am, but to what do I owe the favor of your presence? My name is Patrik Campbell.' 

Rebekka shakes her head and says, all whilst looking Patrik straight in the face 'You owe me no favors, sir. My name is Rebekka; Rebekka Smirnov.' When Patrik tries to kiss her hand, she pulls it away from its resting place at her side and screams 'Freddie, help me; don't let him hurt me!' Since Patrik looks confused, I step up for Rebekka and explain.

'When Rebekka was just a freshie, she was abused by a man who had employed her, and his sons. She couldn't find it in her to trust men until she met me and my family.'

'That isn't why I was scared of him, Freddie. I thought he looked like Mr. Karlov.'

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