17. Unfathomable

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I was standing in the middle of a field the other day, relatively alone, in the shadows of the dawn, and I was watching the trees bend and quiver in the morning wind.
It reminded me of a simpler time,
Of autumn leaves and summer laughter, and a wild stream flowing through the woods on a mellow eve,
Of childhood memories.
With it came the bittersweet notion that nothing could ever be so beautiful again,
And I would grow up and live my life, and just not have enough time.
I believe the world is so much more than the human definition of what makes it tick.
I feel it holds so many hidden secrets that we are yet to discover and my heart aches that I cannot feel everything.
I feel like I'm on the brink.
It's within my grasp.
The Great Secret.
What if this is all a dream and we aren't really here?
I just can't wrap my head around it sometimes. To see the way the world works and our minds in all their splendor.
It's unfathomable.

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