Corbyn Besson

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   Arguing, sex, and love

      That's what's supposed to be a "healthy relationship" not Trust, kindness, and loyalty. I used to think that when I first got together with my boyfriend Corbyn Besson and now I feel like being verbally abused every night is supposed to happen.

    It's Saturday night and I'm sitting on my bed waiting for my boyfriend to get home to cuddle with me.

    I'm in the middle of writing my for my blog and I hear keys jiggle and the door opens and closes which tells me corbyn is home.

    My door slowly opens and reveals a tired stressed out corbyn.

"Hey Love, how was your day today?"

He looks at me dead in the eye, "stop with the fucking questions already, can't you see I don't want to talk to you, that's all you do all the time and every time I come home and I'm sick of it Y/N"

"Corbyn im not yelling at you, Im simply asking you about your day because I miss you like hell. You don't come home for hours a day"

  I could sense tension in the room all I could do is look him in the eye to tell him how serious I am.

"I wish you weren't so insecure and worried about me sleeping with other girls when you know I don't! I'm tired of this relationship going nowhere you know I love you and it's my job to not be here because I have to make money to be able to provide for you and for our future family" he says

  Our future family, i got up from my spot on the bed and walked over to Corbyn I put my hands on his chest and looked him in the eye

   But he grabbed my wrists and threw them back pretty harshly before walking out the door  and storming out to his car. 

  But I was quick and right as he got in the car I climbed in the passenger seat, "We are not leaving til we solve this Corbyn Mathew Besson"

   He stayed quite staring out the window, he started the car and drove. I don't know where we are going but we better get there soon before I lose it on him.

   It wasn't long before I feel asleep but was lightly woken up by Corbyn who still looked upset he walked out of the car and started walking so I followed closely behind, and we appeared at a cliff that overlooked the ocean.

  I met him by the edge and spoke, "I get your mad but I don't think pushing me off and killing me is the answer" and for the first time tonight he chuckled.

"I didn't come here to push you off, I came here to talk, you and me we never say were sorry it's always hands around our bodies and we fuck til we're good and we always promise we'll do better or both go down together and if it isn't love then why does it hurt so good" he tells me and it's the truth.

"Why do we hurt so good together" is what I said. I didn't know what to say, but all I know is I wouldn't want to continue my journey with out him but at the same time if we were the last people on earth I would kill myself.

"Remember when our love was precious, we thought what we had was the best and now every answers the question" it made sense to feel this way. I remember in high school we were voted best couple and ever since freshmen year we went to every dance together.

  "Now every night is one of us getting aggressive the other one acting possessive I guess it s the way that we do shit now" I chuckled.

" I love you, and I don't know whether our relationship is the best but all I know is that. I wouldn't want to live without you, I love you Y/N L/N."

"I love you too, Corbyn Mathew Besson"

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