Chapter 2

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I own none of the characters except for Diesel and Xia

Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Arcee returned to base with their 3 human charges. Miko jumped out of the passenger seat of Bulkhead's SUV. "So Bulk what are we going to do today?", Miko asked excitedly. "YOU are going to do your homework Miko. We don't need you to be in detention all week again". Miko was about to protest but thought better of it. She grabbed her book bag and trudged for the study room they had at base. Suddenly, the ship sensor alarm sounded. "Ratchet, track that ship", Optimus said pointing to a red bot on the screen. Ratchet punched some keys and began processing the ships information. "Optimus, it's of Autobot origin". "Unknown space vessel, this is Autobot Outpost Omega 1. Please identify yourself". "The name's Diesel. And whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?", a voice replied. "My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. I am send coordinates for you to land and one of my teams will meet you there". "Sure thing boss, Diesel out".

Diesel picked up the coordinates that the Autobots sent her. She had the nagging feeling to just keep flying and leave the Autobots alone. But maybe her luck would be different on this planet. She saw a ground bridge open as she descended to the ground. Her ship smoothly landed down and she exited the ship. She was greeted by a blue femme and a yellow muscle car. "Hi I'm Diesel, what your name?", she asked sweetly holding out a servo. The blue femme grasped it and responded. "The name's Arcee and I hate to just jump into things but are you related to someone named Xia by any chance". Diesel's optics grew wide. "Yeah, she's my sister.

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