True Colors Chapter 1

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I'm sitting in my usual corner or the room watching over everyone else in the orphanage/free public school when i hear a commotion in the lobby so me and a few other kids go to check it out. When we get there I hear him saying "I will not leave until you give up all custody of all the kids and im not paying no $2,500 for em!" Then he happens to glance over at me and he does a double take than his face flushes white like hes seen a ghost, then he lashed out yanking a gun and grabbing one of the children around me and holding him at gun point.

     I immediately try to defuse the situation trying to calm the guy down but the more he looks at me the more scared he gets, until finally he lets the kid go and points the gun at me. i immediately trip him and put him in an arm bar, headbutt his cyanide tooth out, and weighs down his coat till the knife underneath cuts through and we remove it from him. Than i remove his gun and bind him by oath and by fear for his life to never show his face again.

Later the staff and the kids asked why he was scared of me, and well I told them my story including that they have been doing this stuff everywhere and I just kept hunting them down one by one and defending those places they attacked.

Then later that night I herd a shriek so I was instantly on my feet. As I'm creeping down the hall I hear someone trip and found four guys gassing out and rounding up everyone so I use my silent beacon to alert the police and then started tripping over everything and let my self get caught and then I'm suddenly waking up in the back of a van with half the kids their, all looking scared out of their mind. So for them to trust my plan I told them what I did. When we got to the hideout we herd sirens and squad cars and armored minivans surrounded us, I just inwardly smiled. That's one less problem to deal with.

When we got back the police thanked me for weeding out that hide out and I decided to sleep as much as I could since it was early in the morning and I will need rest to face the coming days.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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