Chapter 3

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Sirena pov

The bell rang signalling the end of school and with a sigh I packed my things to head to the place I call home. Walking the crowded corridors of school I can hear the laughter of students and the chatter of others talking about parties and stuff. I never was given the privilege of being a normal child , ever since my older brother died ,that place was no longer a home but a prison.

My mother took it the worst because he was her favorite and first born child. We all missed him thou, he was more than my brother, he was my saviour and best friend. From he died my mom treated me the worst, everyday she doesn't fail to make me feel like his death was my fault and at one point I did believe. Feeling something running down my face , I realized I was crying, not wanting to give the others another thing to bully me about, I quickly wiped my tears and headed for the school doors.

I reached home soak from head to toe, the stupid ass rain just had to fall the day I missed the bus. Quickly throwing off my shoes I ran up stairs to take off these wet clothes and to warm up. Stepping into the shower my body automatically relaxed , as the water flowed down my back. I sadly got out of the shower a few minutes later not wanting to hear about wasting water from my mom later.

I got dressed into my baggy shorts and one of my big sweaters and my poka dot panty. I never really wore anything that doesn't hide my body entirely , because of my mother's beatings I am quiet insecure of my body due to the many scars. I don't need others telling me I'm ugly and bruised when I know already. I am even afraid to look in the mirror , afraid of what I'll see.

I was just about to start reading the book I got from my older brother, when a piece of paper fell out of it. I took it up to find a very happy fourteen year old me getting a piggy back ride from my ninteen year old brother. That day was the best day of my life and also the worst. A tear slid down my face as I recalled what had happened that day.


My bother and I had woken up early the morning to get an early start of all the things we planned to do today. Today was my fourteenth birthday and my brother said he was taking me out all day today and be treated as a queen, because I'm his little chipmunk. I actually hated that name and every time he would call me that, I'd get upset and give him the silent treatment and he would buy me chocolate and my favourite ice cream to make it up to me.

We first went to the amusement park and went to all my favorite rides, got our face painted and he won a prize for me; a big pink teddy bear. We then went to the movies and watch the movie venom, that I had been dying to watch. It was great because during the movie he kept falling asleep and then he fell on this old lady's lap. She was so frightened that she kept on beating him with her bag even when he got up.

We then went to the park where we paid a photographer to take a picture of him giving me a piggy back ride. The day was going so good until that tragic incident. We were coming home in a taxi, and a car came out of no where and hit the taxi causing it to turn over. I remembered my brother covering me from getting any damage and took most of the hit for me.

The car had a gas leak and one part was on fire, seeing this I tried, I really tried to tell my brother to come out with me. "Go sirena save yourself both of us won't make it" he said and push me outside. " yes, yes both of us can make it, please, just come out, we can survive this" I cried, I really didn't want him to leave me. He only gave me one of his gorgeous smiles and gave me a hard push away from the car. When I got up I saw that the flame was getting really close, as I was about to run towards it he shouted " I love you sirena, my little chipmunk " and then the car exploded.

End of flashback

From my mom heard me telling the police that he gave his life for mine she hated me, she blamed me and my stupid birthday. I was no longer her daughter but a murderer in her eyes.

I sank down on the floor and started letting the tears flow, after years of keeping it all in, I was finally allowing myself a chance to cry and feel the ache, the emptiness in my heart. I cried myself to sleep that night, praying that my brother would come back and that this would just be a bad dream, a nightmare.





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