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Amber sat, her thighs pressed against the cold floor. That is, if she had thighs. I think she's secretly a mermaid person or something because she always wears long skirts. Amber pulled a skein of emerald yarn from the pocket of her denim jacket, her tiny pale hands trembling with anticipation. She was about to do something very naughty. Amber steeled herself and started to crochet. 

She worked, and worked, her fingers desperately and deftly spawning row after row of immaculate, quivering stitches. Amber could hardly wait. Her baby was coming. 

After about 20 minutes, Amber, who knitted really fucking fast like she was some robot or something, had several green sacs in her hand. "Oh boy oh boy" Amber ecstatically screeched. 

Born from the tip of her needle was an amalgamation of bulbous green sacs that rested in the palm of her tiny, tiny, pale, pale hand.  Amber wept tears of gratitude that her own two hands and Hobby Lobby had blessed her with such a miracle of nature. It was so beautiful she couldn't breathe for a solid ten seconds and we had to call Bogen to give her CPR. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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Amber x Amalgamation of Bulbous Green SacsWhere stories live. Discover now