SOS 2: Reframing the brain.

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  11. Stand in nothingness as if you are starting all over again. If you can create anything at all for your life, what would it be?
12.Is it now time to bridge the gap between fantasy and reality?
13. Is falling in love with the harmful aspects of your personality, your comfort zone, keeping you from being who you could fully be?
14.The essence of attraction is related to being committed to ideals, yet unattached to the outcome.
15."I am" is referring to something you think you are. This is not necessarily accurate.
16.There is no past, if you really think about it. There is no "self" either.
17.You have to have a superior cause that is worth giving your past to.
18.Don't sell out to being practical. Be unreasonable.
19. Does the present existence, the drama you are playing out enliven you? If not, take this current moment to change your position. Restart the chess game, reprogramming your brain. You can do this right now.

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