Chapter 12

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By Eddie giving me a tight hug. I smiled and gently placed the soft blanket over him.
"Well..." I said.
"TAG!" I yelled tapping Bill's shoulder and when Bill,Stanley and Eddie scrambled out of Stan's bedroom I hugged Eddie back tightly.
"Uhm...Richie..?" Eddie said.
I laughed. He was too adorable.
I waited until I heard Stan's front door shut that's when I turned Eddie around. I hope he didn't notice how red my face was and I could tell he was nervous because he wouldn't make eye contact with me. I felt really bad.
"I'm sorry.." I said sounding guilty af.
"Why?" Eddie asked.
I waited to hear Stanley's front door shut until I leaned into to kiss Eddie but something stoped me.
"Do you have any chapstick? It'll probably prevent more germs from spreading..." Eddie said awkwardly.
"What?" I said confused.
"Fuck it!" Eddie said pulling his face to mine and connecting our lips.
I kissed back cause duh. IT IS EDDIE! And that's when I heard footsteps coming up stairs I quickly unattached our lips and our faces were red as a tomato.
Soon enough Stanley came upstairs and asked "Why didn't you guys come down with me and Bill?".
I heard Bill yell down stairs "TH-THEY W-W-WERE PROBABLY M-MMM-MAKING OUT!".

"Sorry Stan we just got caught up talking about that time in 2nd grade!"I laughed out loud.
"What time?" Stanley asked confused.
"Wh-when the the kid was pointing out a natzi symbol and how it was like an Indian symbol and and Stanley asked what a natzi symbol was and and.." I tried finishing my sentence but I bursted out laughing again.
"Richard that is not something to joke about!" Eddie said frustrated. But his voice was so squeaky and cute I couldn't take him seriously which made me laugh more and soon Bill came up stairs and I was just hysterically laughing.

Wow. He kisses me now he's joking about 6M people being killed because of their religion? Nice one. "Richie you're not funny you're acting like a complete brat that's not something funny to joke about!" I said raising my voice.
But did Richie listen or even care about a word I said? No! Why would he? Why would he ever care about what I say? I really wanted to shout something about the kiss but I can't do it in front of Stan and Bill.

I was walking down the hall way in a good mood (idk why) and than I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around smiling but frowned when I saw it was Richie. I do love Richie but he is like Michael Scott. He says inappropriate jokes at an inappropriate time to people who would get offended by it.
"Hey Eds!" Richie said giving me a smile.
I ignored him and turned away.
"Edddds!" He said following me but I still kept ignoring him.
When I finally got to my locker he said "You know I'm not going to give up!" He said giving me a stupid smirk.
"Well maybe you should learn when to give up or not in this situation!" I said raising my voice.
"Geez Eds why are you being so grumpy?" He said laughing.
"Geez Rich when are you going to learn that you need to back your ass away from me and I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day!" I said storming off. Ok I will admit I was overreacting but sometimes he can just get me in a awful mood.
I looked behind me and he wasn't following me which made me feel a little bit bad for him but he'll go back to his jolly self in 2 seconds flat. I hope. Ok I feel really bad how mean could I be to make him give up on his bratty mood?

I came to the bike rack early like Richie always did and I saw him. I ran over to Richie. "RICHIE!" I screamed.
He turned his head to me.
I came up to him panting and I said "I'm sorry that I may have overreacted about what you did but hopefully this makes up for it!". I kissed his cheek and than unlocked my bike from the bike rack and shit and waited for Bill and Stan.

I hope this chapter is good enough for you because I probably will not be publishing very many chapters because of the dog so I'm sorry about that but I may publish at night~
Winnie(Yes that is actually my ugly name😂)

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