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I woke up at the small flat of my best friend, my head slightly aching from all the alcohol last night. All I wanted was a small advil and my bed. My vision was slowly getting back to normal again, and I smiled once I saw my best friend lying on the ground with me, while our boyfriends were lying on the bed.

“Assholes” I muttered, smiling slightly. I quickly packed my bag, pushing all my belongings inside, brushing my teeth and removing the slightly smudged make up under my eyes.

I quietly closed the door of the flat and run down the flight of stairs into the warm July air. I run a hand through my not combed golden brown hair, soaking in the warmth of the sun.

I got rather quickly to the train station and then waited for my train to arrive.

While waiting, I plugged in my headphones, turning on music. I received a few dirty glances from people who stood around me, since my music was pretty loud.

Once it arrived, I got in and waited for my station to arrive patiently. My arms were resting on my knees, as my head was in my hands, as I massaged my temples.

If my parents knew what I did last night, this would be the last time somebody saw me alive. I closed my eyes and let the music take over my head.

I looked up to see that my station was up next and got to the door. In the reflection of the window I could still see that my eyes were slightly bloodshot. I cringed and fixed my septum, so that it was up my nose, since my parents didn't think much of piercings and tattoos. Sighing I made my way down towards our small house. We lived in the nicest and cutest neighbourhood you could imagine.

Everyone's garden had dark green grass, and everyone's flowers were just as bright as they could be.

As I rolled my eyes, I took a sharp right turn and walked up to our door, fiddling with the keys. Stepping into the house, I pulled out my earphones and walked up the small flight of stairs, straight into my room.

I smirked at the 'Keep out' sign, before slamming my door open and shutting it behind me. I threw my back onto one end of the room, and my coat to the other, while walking over to my bed and turning on my laptop. I smiled once I saw the pictures we had posted from last night.

We were pretty careful with what we put on facebook, so we never ended up with anything that showed us drinking a bottle of vodka or anything. But yet, it was enough so that anybody could guess we were drinking.

I liked them all and went on twitter, hoping that something new was announced. My eyes caught a tweet from Laura.

Laura is a famous youtuber, and also the girlfriend of the one and only Alex Gaskarth.

I smiled once I saw that she was having a meet up in the mall five minutes away from me tomorrow.

My whole life I had waited to meet her, because let's be honest, she is stunning.

She had dark brown hair and she was just drop dead gorgeous. Ever since I started watching her, I wanted to be like her. I sighed and looked into the mirror that stood beside my bed.

I didn't look quite as perfect as her. My hair was a mix between brown, ginger and blonde, and I just looked plain boring. It was no wonder that my life was nearly as boring as my appearance.

I sighed before my mother called me into the kitchen.

Rolling my eyes I strolled down the stairs into the kitchen, leaning against the door frame.

“How may I help you?” I asked quite annoyed.

My mother sighed and ran a hand through her short hair.

I will meet you in the past ~ An Alex Gaskarth FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now