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We met when we were little.
We were born into prestigious and noble houses.
Our moms were best friends.
I was plucking flowers from the garden when your family came to visit.

Hi there.
You crept up on me so I punched you.
You forgave me afterwards.
You have a strong right hook.
We bonded, became best friends.
Somewhere along the way in our lives, 
We fell in love.
My sisters always said we were made for each other.
But we couldn't be together.

My parent's are getting a divorce.
My dad...he's taking me with him.
To where?
I don't know.
I never liked your father.
He reminded me of mine; disgusting and consumed by power.
I was arranged to marry another boy.
He was of a noble house too.
I was distraught, because he wasn't you.

You came to me that night,
The night before you were supposed to leave.
I don't want you to go!
I have no choice.
If I stay, he wins.
If I leave, he loses.
You did it for your mom and sister,
You did it so they could be free.

I will not watch as he makes a monster out of my little sister like he did me!
We were from noble families.
Families that looked down upon others.
The rich side of society.
Perfect in the eyes of the public,
Flawed behind doors.

You held me close to you,
your eyes shimmered with tears,
But they never fell.
Instead we danced,
and loved throughout the night.
Promise me you'll come back for me.
You'll be married by then...
It's simply a business transaction to my father.
I only love you.
People change...
Not us though.

The morning for you to leave came by too fast.
We made a promise.
Today was the 27th of November.
We promised that wherever we went,
In 5 years, on this exact day,
We'd return, to our favorite spot,
And see each other.

Just this one day...
Come to our spot.
And I'll know you still love me.
What if I'm late?
I'll wait for you anyways.
And if I don't show up at all?
I know you well enough to know you wouldn't stand me up.
What if you don't show up?
What if you move on?  What if I move on?
Then let that day be the day for new beginnings.
With a kiss, you left.
And I got married to him.

Now it's been five years.
On the exact day you left.
Our promise, I kept it.
And I waited.
From sunrise to sunset.
But you didn't show up.

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