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[A/N: The chappies will possibly grow in length as the story proceeds]

Chapter one : Handshake.

"Let me meet you, fate. I'd like to know you." ; Zanfii

Jongup felt his eyelids heavy as he opened his eyes, waking up as someone insisted on pulling on his shoulder and even spraying water on his face. ‘Ugh, who the hell…’ he almost muttered, which came out as a groan from his dry tongue. He blinked his eyes, the image still blurry as he slurred awake. His back ached, the first thing he noticed as he arched it, refusing to straighten from the odd position he was in.

He huffed his breath, taking a good look around. Smooth tables, classy chairs, red carpet… ‘Where the hell…’ he looked up as he noticed the moving figure right ahead of his face, too close for his liking. He backed up, blinking – resulting the other to make space as well.

“Where…” Jongup started, but the other man scoffed – probably rolling his eyes. “Good morning, gentleman.” A raspy voice offered, making Jongup blink his eyes once more – wondering to whom such resonating voice belonged.

“You passed out in my shop yesterday.” He informed, his thick brows slightly furrowed; the bit visible between his coffee color silky bangs. Jongup gulped, feeling his throat dry. “Oh.” He replied in a daze. “Where’s Z? and Jae?” Jongup spoke his thoughts, his hands supporting the position he was in, spread on between a mattress of a couch to the side of the bar. His eyes were though; still fixated on the person ahead of his eyes.

‘Thin, fox like eyes. A distant sparkle…; who are you?’

“If you’re looking for your friends, they left you here last night.” Jongup blinked almost in disbelief. At this; the visibly taller man chuckled. “Don’t give me that look, you insisted on it. But look at you now.” The last line of the raspy voice came a little flat, almost mockingly, that Jongup furiously blushed. Stupid me, Stupid!

“You could have dragged me out.” He defended, in hope it might save a bit of the reddening in his side.

“Sure, but…” The latter hesitated, pointing instead. ‘Slender fingers’ “…your …uhm; tail, started to show.”

“Huh?” Jongup dropped his dazed gaze to his legs, in between which was dropping down his lazy tail, along the cushion, waving subtly against the red carpet. “Oh shit, you can’t-!” Jongup fisted his fingers – almost summoning his scythe, but the bartender (as Jongups memories from last night had started to return) scoffed, waving his hand. “Save it, Demon. I know who you are.” But Jongup wasn’t buying confidence – it was obvious in his eyes that Himchan chuckled, lowly – as he shortened the distance between them once again, hissing; annoyed.

His fangs were expanding, as he grinned – eyes to eyes with Jongup, his breath fanning on the younger; petrified. “I mean it.” He hissed. Jongup gulped again, his breath stuck in his throat. ‘Is this fear?’ He asked himself the second the older took to drag back.


“Bingo, Kid. Now leave. It’s almost seven, I need to open up.” The latter straightened his shoulders, standing up, all except for when Jongup reached out and grabbed his shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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