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i opened the gate to jake's backyard. him and a few others were sat around a glass table talking.

"(y/n)!" jay cheered weakly, a joint in his hand. i gave him a smile, taking the joint from him. i sat down next to him, and billie next to me.

"you guys know billie, right?" a few nodded and said hi, a couple others introduced themselves.

"you smoke?" a girl asked billie. she nodded and she passed her a joint.

8pm quickly turned to 3am without us even realising. we were all pretty stoned, to say the least. billie was leaning on me, her beanie pulled low on her head.

"billie, what school did you go to before east?" jay turned to her.

"i was homeschooled. but my parents split up and i moved so i started public school."

"parents suck." someone groaned, and we all mumbled and laughed in agreement. i placed my joint on billie's lips and she took a draw, before i put it out on the glass ash tray.

"how'd you two meet? ya seem close." a boy, jordan, asked. he winked and wiggled his eyebrows and i rolled my eyes.

"the first day of the semester, she asked to borrow my lighter." i explained. we jokingly moved closer to each other, my arms now around her and flipping off jordan.

"i should probably get home, i have to go to my dads work tomorrow." jordan stood up, kicking his skateboard out from under the table. we said our farewells and he began to shakily skate down the dim street.

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