Hoseok Part 1

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So you just bought a new puppy.You bought the puppy caus' in your apartment it is LONELY.


"Hello there puppy I will call you... Hoseok."you said to the puppy."I will just change my clothes ok?stay here"

SO while changing you feel oddly exposed but you just shrug it of.
After doing your routine you went out of your room to find a attractive yet naked man."AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"you screamed."dont scream its me Hoseok"the stranger said.You believe that hybrids are real so you inspected him closely...

Sorry for not updating because my phone is broken. I tried to update but my phone erases the story line.but here it is the first story that is crappy*cries*

Anyways...bye luvs

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