A stormy night: Rumbling and Lightning

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Nemuri Kayama was no stranger to nightmares, it came with the job description.
There was always gonna be a case that hits to close to home over something you saw or heard that was going to stay with you whether it be a civilian you just couldn't save or a villian that got away.
It's was currently 2am Nemuri was at home alone, her soulmates Shouta and Hizashi were both working.
She had woke at little over a hour ago the thunder so loud is shook the house the lightening so bright it lit up their bedroom.
Nemuri always hated storms they always had a way of putting her on edge she tried to drown out the awful noise listening to Hizashi's voice on the air but it wasn't helping any.
Deciding that maybe a cup of tea would relax her Nemuri made her way to the kitchen.
As she waited for the kettle to hear she prepared to stay out in the living room were there wasn't any mirrors or windows.
The quietness of the house was stifling that when the kettle screeched she jumped.
Heart beating fast Nemuri prepared a cup of relaxing tea with sleep aid, catching her reflection on the stainless steel kettle she noticed she had dark deep circles under her eyes.
'Just how much sleep have I missed?' She wondered.
Carrying her tea back with her into the living area she sat down onto the couch she had turned turn the radio up more to listen to, after getting into a comforable position she sat and thought.
She thought about why she couldn't sleep, why she hated storms and why she was always anxious when there was a storm.
Sipping on her tea she sat there for what felt like hours till her eyes started to feel heavy.
Setting down the empty cup she relaxed laying down under the chunky thick yarn blanket she had throw over herself before letting sleep take her.
( Dream )
There were trees all around miles and miles of tree.
It was dark and foggy out with shadows dancing, fire flies lit a small area close too what looked like a cave.
No matter how she tried Nemuri couldn't get closer to investigate the area. The air was chilly, the wind blew wrestling the leaves.
Soft crying could be heard too.
For the life of her she couldn't distinguish which direction it was coming from, the small cries echoed around her.

Help me

Save me

I'm hungry..so very hungry!

I want to die

Make it stop

Why me?

Why am I hated?

Why doesn't anyone want me?

Why doesn't anyone love me?

I don't want to be here, I hate it here!

Somebody anybody help me PLEASE

Stop it, it hurts.

Please stop I'm sorry I'll be good I promise.

I won't cry anymore.

I'll never ask for food again just please stop hurting me.

I'm sorry!

Kill me.
Nemuri searched frantically for the owner of the small broken voice.
Tree branches tore and scraped at her outfit tearing into her soft skin but she didn't care all she cared about was reaching the beaten cries of the person who needed her.
"I'M HERE WHERE ARE YOU?" She frantically screamed her lungs burning gasping for air, her legs protested yet she kept running. "ANSWER ME PLEASE, LET ME HELP YOU!"
No matter how much she searched Nemuri couldn't find where the voice was coming from as they kept screaming and crying out to her.
She didn't know why but something in her broke listening to their cries she had to find them some unknown force was driving her telling her that if she didn't find them she would regret it and that the voice that called out to her was someone who belonged to her someone who is very dear to her.
Nemuri's ears were ringing, her heart was beating so fast she feared it'll beat out of her chest the cries were getting louder the longer she ran.
Gasping for breath Nemuri was forced to stop running when something caught her eyes.
Standing beside a tree not far from her was a small shadow shaped like a child.
"Little one it's okay now I'm here."
The shadow quickly hid behind the tree, Nemuri caught a glimpse of long matted green hair just before they moved behind it.
Nemuri reached for the child. "Come out little one I won't hurt you." she said softly hoping to ease their uneasiness.
It hadn't seemed to work, the shadow child cautiously inched away from her slowly till they were a safe enough distance away and made a run for it.
"Wait please come back!" Nemuri yelled out desperatly as she gave chase.
Nemuri's motherly instincts were going into overdrive and screaming at her to protect the child that this scared child belonged with her, that this child was hers!
Nemuri's ears were ringing still she screamed even though her throat felt raw she continued to scream for her scared child.
"Stop please...Come back mommy won't hurt you! I'm here to protect you! I'd gladly give my life if it meant keeping you safe please don't hide from me!" she yelled distraught with anguish shouting Louder and louder as she cried after the child she long lost sight of.
Her cries fell on deaf ears as Nemuri frantically searched for her child.
The cries grew in volume.
Nemuri struggled to get up from the ground her knees throbbing her body shaking.
She lost her child.
The thought brang more tears to her eyes and caused her chest to feel like it was being crushed the pain being so unbearable she feared her heart would crumble

Nemuri screamed.

She howled.

Her cries echoed around her.

( end of dream )
"ri! -o my voice!"
How could this happen? The one person who needed her the most she couldn't protect!
"Please wake up!"
Why? Why her child?! WHY!
"Please! Please wake up baby your scaring us!"
Unfortunately, waking her up had backfired. Shouta let out a soft yelp of surprised as she started fighting him against him, but instead of his fight response kicking in he instead tried to restrain, Shōta grimaces as Nemuri fought him, kicking back with a little too much force.
The situation evolved from there, and Shōta finds himself wrestling with his distressed soulmate, she elbowing him in the stomach and tugging at his hair and tried to bite him.
Nemuri has always been surprisingly ruthless upon waking from nightmares but nothing like this.
This was something worse than she had ever done, legs tangled together, trying to pin Shōta, her martial arts trained mind working from muscel memory even in her sleep-clouded mind.
Eventually, though, the struggle ends with Shōta pinning her back down hard against the couch gripping Nemuri's wrists and sitting on her hips, his body weight enough that Nemuri can't buck him off. Both of them are breathing heavily, chests rising and falling with deep breaths, and Shōta's suddenly aware of the way Nemuri is waking up more, her raven hair sprawled out in a messy halo around his face and her pretty features stained with tears.
Nemuri woke screaming fighting against whoever was holding her down her mind being unable to process anything except for the bright light filtering through her eyelids and someone trying to keep her pinned down. She shifts rapidly trying to bite at the face in front of her.
Nemuri's eyes snap open her eyes instantly realizes several things, first being that her ears are no longer ringing, Second her throat hurts like the devil, Third her eyes are burning and Forth the person was still holding her down.
"Nemuri you with us now?" comes a very familiar and relief filled voice.
"Baby I know your hurting but don't get up" they say as large rough warn hands hold her wrist tightly.
As her vision clears the person that had been talking disapears for a minute to retriving her glasses for her.
She could see now the hands that held her down belonged to Shouta and Hizashi was sitting next to him on the floor a worried expression on his face which is made slightly funny by the horribly askew glasses.
"Hi-Hiza-shi, S-Shou-ta?" Nemuri's voice is harsh, her throat aching with every syllable.
"Yes babe it's us" Hizashi doesn't hesitate, throwing himself at their beloved and hugging her tightly.
"It was that dream again except this time I saw more their hair is green, forrest green. I still struggled getting a general idea on who they are but something tells me our child is female." she says before throwing herself into their arms hugging them tightly her voice breaks painfully, now both from the her raw throat and the sobs being pulled out of her.
Aizawa and Hizashi return the hug just as tightly, while also starting to rub small circles into their love's back.
"It's all right. It's okay sweetheart we're here, don't worry we will find her I promise you that and when we find her I promise we will bring her home where she belongs!" Hizashi says determination coating every single word.
"Ok ok let's talk about this tomorrow morning nothing's going to be getting done while we're all tired" Aizawa says sighing while looking the two over they both were sluggish with their movements and had eyebags nearly bigger than his own.
He knows they hadn't slept much none of them have not with the storm and lightning going on it always made them feel restless and uneasy he knew it was the reason hizashi always did his radio shows longer on rainy nights it helped to distract him, he himself liked to go patrolling for any villains that might appear during these times it was something he does when he's trying to distract himself he just couldn't stand to stay in one place whenever he started feeling this way but the both of them knew that out of all three of them Nemuri had it the worst she would have intense and vivid dreams and this would cause her to be to scared to go to sleep.
Reluctantly Nemuri nodded as Aizawa helped them to both into the big bed in their room tucking Nemuri in the middle before doing the same with Hizashi on the left side as they cuddled up together before getting in himself and joining in the cuddle fest.
As they were all one by one slowly falling into the darkness that they called sleep Nemuri silently thought and promised herself that she would find and rescue her darling baby at any cost and bring her home where she belonged!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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