Chapter One: Sighting

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Chapter One: Sighting

            The sun glistened down onto the streets of Los Angeles, California, burning every inch the sun could touch with the summer heat. Oliver, singing and dancing along with the radio’s pick of the day, ‘Dynamite’ by Taio Cruz, drove with the top of his 2009 Mercedes Benz down enjoying the hot weather on his lightly tanned skin.

            The rear-view mirror became his makeup mirror at a red light, applying on his pink lip-gloss and ruffled through his dim red hair, trying to get his bangs to stay perfectly over his forehead. A horn blared behind him in irritation, since the light had turned and Oliver was paying no mind to it.

Turning into his father’s business, he parked under the awning, put the top up with a push of a button, and locked his car before entering the twenty story building. He walked through the building, head held high with pride with ice coffee in his hand. His Gucci low heeled, biker-fashionista boots clicked across the title flooring up to his father’s office on the twentieth floor.

            Henry’s voice trailed just outside of his closed door, where Oliver stopped for a second to eavesdrop on the conversation of the moment. Besides his father’s voice, there came another, deeper voice, but it was too quiet to understand anything. Giving up, Oliver opened the door with a greeting and bright smile, “Henry!” He sang.

            Henry’s tired blue eyes looked up towards his son's. “Olie, how was school?” he asked stopping in mid-conversation with the other person in the room.

            “I got my test back!” Oliver cheered, flailing the paper in front of Henry, his bracelets clanged with every shake until Henry grabbed it from his son’s hand.

            The old man’s face showed nothing but excitement, “I told you that you would pass. Great job, kiddo.” Placing the test that showed a bright red A+ on his desk, he indicated to the man in front of him with his hand. “Son, this is Kristoff Hardlin, my new personal organizer and assistant. He'll be attached to your hip for a few days; you’re going to train him. You know how I like to try and organize things around here.”

            Kris, to Oliver’s surprise, looked young – too young for someone in this sort of job. And so gorgeous, too! He stood in one smooth movement, almost towering over Oliver with his hand stretched forward. “Nice to meet you, Oliver Sykes.” Kris hid his enthusiasm and kept his face politely kind, but otherwise expressionless.

            Oliver took a pausing moment to overlook the handsome man being presented before him. He had striking icy green eyes with a golden color surrounding his pupil that could pierce through any façade. Though his hair was whiter than Henry’s aging grey hair, his face looked no more than twenty-five. His flawless cream skin stretched over a strong jawline and low pointed cheekbones. “The pleasure is all mine,” Oliver said with a flirtatious smile, clasping his four fingers around Kris’s in a feminine hand shake.

            Kris let his lips fall into a weak smile, feeling at ease in front of the clearly flamboyant male.

           It was Henry that broke the silent stare between the two by clearing his throat. "Olie, why don't you take Mr. Hardlin and show him around the building and introduce him to folks. Also, pick up the papers, would you? Damien is late today, we can't be behind because of him."

            “Of course, daddy,” Oliver chimed, kissing his father on the cheek.

            Kris watched as Oliver led the way through the lobby and into a labyrinth of cubicles, keeping his eyes on the back of Oliver's red head. His hair was long, and if it wasn't for the lack of curves, he would have mistaken him as a woman. The last three buttons on his white dress long-sleeve shirt were unbuttoned, showing a small portion of his tanned stomach Kris witnessed in Mr. Sykes office. Dark, skinny dress pants hung low on his hips, giving a good look at how long and trim his legs were. Realizing that he was staring and Oliver had stopped talking, he said, “I already had the pleasure of meeting Joe this morning.”

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