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Ok where do I start? So i was working one night like i always do. There was this group that came skating for a friends birthday. Me being me i couldn't help but notice this girl glancing at me. I looked back at her and she looked away really fast. One of her friends called for me and said that the girl that was looking at me said that i was hot. They asked if i was gay and me being me i was. The girl asked fr my snapchat and i gave them all my snap.not even a day later the girl that was looking at me added me on snapchat and asked me out.  i said yea. I know that was kinda fast and she didn't really care about me then but things happend and it gets better just wait. We broke up not that long after. Time went by and she keeped asking me out and i keeped saying no. i said no because i knew i was not going to see her ever. Well i was wrong... i told her that i might be coming to her school and she asked me out again and i said yes. I felt happy. Until she broke up with me.she was mad at me and keeped blocking me and unblocking me on snapchat.i went to her school and things were weird. I gave her a hug and i told her that i was sorry. She didn't really forgive me and i was still hurt. Time went by and its second quarter i tried and tried to make it u to her but i couldn't. She said that she got over me and that hurt. Thats when i gave up and she tried to talk to me on snapchat so i talked back. She asked me if i still liked her and i said that i didn't know because i didn't know anymore. And i asked her if she still liked me and she said do you still like me and i said yea so she said shortly after that she still liked me and it kinda made me feel better. Time went by and i started dating her cousin she was really upset. Me and him broke up. Ok lets see it is October 26 2018 and i was working like normal and she came to my job and asked me out but so did her cousin i said yes to her while i was in tears. A week and a few days has past now and im so scared to lose her. We have kissed a few times and we have cried and laugh. I told her that i loved her and didn't want to lose her because thats the truth. I was told a few things by a few people to make sure tha i show her that i love her and i try my best. I dont want to lose her. She is what makes me happy. You know love is real when the person can call you something and you get butterfly in your gut. She is the best. she really is and i dont want to lose her. if i lose her i would lose all hope. i feel like im the lucky one i have her and i never want to lose her. she is my everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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