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Veronica continued to put all her concentration into polishing the countertop of Pops Chock'lit Shoppe. It was 5am and she was starting her morning shift.

The door flung open and in walked the first customer.

It was Reggie and he did not look happy. In fact he was fuming. Holding a newspaper in his hand.

"What the hell Veronica!" He yelled, but it was too early for her to process anything he was saying. Too. Tired.

"What's wrong?" Veronica asked sleepily, really not caring what Reggie had to say. It was too early to argue. She had barely slept a wink last night, all she could think about was Archie, about how he was actually free again. And he probably slept alone in his room, with the lamest welcome back to the real world you could possibly imagine. But she reminded herself that Fred was overjoyed and probably made sure Archie felt welcome home.

"What is it? I'll tell you what it is! You and Archie! You made it to the front page!" Reggie declared as he slammed the newspaper onto the newly polished countertop. Veronica looked down and was astounded to see a picture of Archie holding himself over her, on the floor of the courthouse. Reggie probably wouldn't believe the truth. And it was too early for this.

"I went to Archie's trial, and then afterwards we accidentally ran into each other, we both ended up on the floor and I suppose people took pictures. Reggie it could've been anyone in that photo, it's just a coincidence that it's him who I ran into" Veronica tried explaining in a reasonably calm tone.

Reggie didn't look impressed.

"Read the article Veronica. Then explain."

Veronica rolled her eyes, knowing this is a waste of time and energy.

Newly free teen falls...in love?

She cringed at the headlines. Her and Archie Andrews, in love? Never.

It was only yesterday that 17 year old Archibald 'Archie' Andrews was released unexpectedly from the Leopold and Loeb Detention Centre. His trial, many assumed, would end with him returning to the juvie and Archie seemed pretty sold on the idea that they wouldn't be letting him go. However, it was mid way through his trial that the teen seemed to change his attitude, and pleaded innocent. Jury appeared skeptical at first but after a short recess voted for Archie's freedom.

Veronica read the first paragraph as quickly as she could, knowing that Reggie was watching her. She still doesn't see why he's mad.

To explain the picture above; Archie was looking back at his father when he ran into fellow Riverdale High student Veronica Lodge. Our sources tell us that before Archie was sent off to juvie, these two were in a relationship. It certainly does seem believable given the way the red head looked at the girl whom he was holding himself up over. Not only that, but neither of them seemed to move for a few moments.

Veronica decided to stop reading there, deciding that the article was sounding was to much like a cheesy, overdone romance novel.
She looked up at Reggie, who had his arms crossed.

"You seriously don't believe that do you?" She scoffed with a small laugh, like the though of dating Archie was nothing short of a joke. But then again, she had in fact dated Archie. And she had in fact spent majority of last night crying over him.

"Well I don't know Veronica. Tell me that I'm wrong but I know how people look at each other when they like each other" Reggie argued, he looked mad but also seemed that he just wanted to win this argument, whether Veronica got hurt or not.

"Of corse I like Archie he's a good guy! Doesn't mean I like him as more than a friend, I would never-"

"You would." Reggie cut her off. "You did."

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