Chapter 2

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A caress smoothed down his chest and he shifted against the sheets, lost in the comfortable darkness of sleep. Then he felt something hot and wet press against that cursed spot just below his navel, the sensation making him arch his back as sparks flew down his spine, but he didn't dare open his eyes. Centuries spent dreaming of the past, always yearning for Yulan and fearing morning, where he would lose that phantom touch, that was just enough to sustain him, made him reluctant to wake fully. Let him stay with Kunlun in the past.

A nip of teeth and hands caressed his hips, pressing down lightly as that heat returned just slightly lower. Pleasure jolted through him again and instinctively, his hand reached out beside him for the man he craved. When his hand met the fabric of the top cover, his eyes flew open in a panic that was at direct odds, to the sensation of silk brushing against his knee as he raised his leg, ready to fly from the bed.

His befuddled mind reached for an explanation, as none of his treasured memories of Kunlun, involved a light slap on his hip and the voice of Zhao Yulan saying aggrieved, "Here I am trying to wake you happy and you're throwing me off the bed!"

The past faded from his mind and the panic vanished, so he chanced looking down his own body for the source of that gorgeous voice, and collapsed back against the pillows with a soft groan. Zhao Yulan was kneeling between his legs, an amused smirk playing around his mouth and those foxfire eyes burned with love. "Yulan."

He wanted to apologize, but he made the mistake of looking back, just in time to see that smirk widen into a maniacal grin, seconds before those sinful lips closed around his cock. Words failed as he gasped and one hand clawed at the covers, pleasure and the unique sensation of having the person you love most in the world, make love to you, made him arch again, trying desperately not to thrust into that divine heat.

'Yulan...' Sometimes even saying his name was enough to give him strength.

Zhao hummed happily, one hand at his base, the other rubbing below his navel, setting fire to his spine as that clever tongue stroked his cock. He hollowed his cheeks and sucked shamelessly, as Shen Wei's feet flexed against the sheets uncontrollably, now lost to the world of pleasure, of tenderness that Zhao seamlessly created in this bed.

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Yulan leaned over his hips a bit more, taking him even deeper, as he pulled Shen's left hand from the covers and dropped it onto his head, rubbing his temple against his palm slightly, jostling his cock and sending shock-waves through him. Taking the hint, he buried his fingers in that messy, silky hair, trying not to grip too tightly as Yulan broke him apart. He leaned forwards again and Shen saw fireworks. Pulling himself up, with his right hand holding most of his weight, he tried to satisfy the desperate need to embrace Yulan, to cradle him against his chest. He made it as far as curling his arm around those strong shoulders, head falling back as Yulan hummed appreciatively and ran his nails down Shen's inner thighs.

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