Chapter 1- Finally Found

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(A/N this my first story on Wattpad and I just wanted to say thank you to any of my viewers in advance and to let you know that I will spell check every one of my story's unless I have said different in my A/N's)


Larissa's P.O.V

I've been running from the flesh-eating deranged monsters for a day and a half. I have a gun shot wound on my thigh but I'll be alright seeing it only grazed me. As long as I don't get an infection I won't die. Thinking of needing to find somewhere to hunker down and camp for the night I slowly see a small town aways ahead. Stopping in front of an abandoned convenience store I tapped on the window to alert any walkers crawling around in there, seeming as none came forward I slowly walked inside still cautious for any other life. Making sure it's all clear I start searching for a blanket or sleeping bag to rest in. Finding one I also check for gauze and some pain medication. After coming up on nothing around the store I look behind the counter and low and behold there they are. Popping some Advil i set up the blankets and start wrapping up my thigh. Once done I lay down and try getting some sleep but immediately hear tapping on the front doors. Limping slowly toward them with my gun raised I see two men through the crack and hurriedly mumble out a sentence.

 "Drop your weapons and put your hands up where I can see them!"

One of the men immediately drops their gun while the the burly man with the crossbow stands still. 

"You first missy." he says in a low voice.

"Not until you do." I reply in an equal tone.

"Fine." he says in defeat. As we both set our weapons down I keep my hand on my back pocket where my hunting knife rested and reminded myself of the other knife in my boot. 

"Who are you?" We both ask simultaneously in a surly manner. Finally the man in the blue and white cap says something that catches both of us by surprise.

"Listen, my name is Glenn and this is Daryl," the other man seems dejected his friend had given his name out so quickly and almost interrupts him till he continues to speak, "And we aren't here to hurt you, we were just checking for supplies, but you seem like a nice enough person, would you like to join our group?".

At this the older man objects and starts to whisper in a loud manner toward this Glenn character stating he doesn't even know me and this could be a trap but to stop his further allegations I interrupt.

"Excuse me, but I recently just arrived here and I mean you no harm either but how do I know to trust you men anyway." They both looked at each other as if silently having a conversation as I stare eating for an answer.

"Well if we wanted to hurt you we would've done already sweetcheecks." the man named Daryl says.

"What he means to say is, we really don't any intentions on harming you and I'd find it pretty wise if you were to join us, we have a group of about 20 on a farm nearby and it'd be stupid of you not to find solace with us." As I think of what he says I agree silently and try to imagine of anything else that could be worse than the dead coming back to life. Seeing no reason to not follow them back to their camp I agree to go with them and travel back to retrieve my things. Leaving the store we begin our trek to this farm as Glenn boasts about it.

Glenn's P.O.V

Daryl and I were going on a run and we stopped by a nearby town. When we got there we decided to go to a local supermarket. We hopped out of the car and Daryl tapped on the door to check for walkers when nothing came out I touch the nob but what was on the other side surprised us.

There was a girl standing on the other side but, not just any girl a surprisingly beautiful one. With a little convincing we managed to bring her back to the farm with us and all the while i was talking of what the farm was like just to hear her angelic voice reply with small murmurs. 

Edited : 9/26/18 -- 754 words

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