The Mayonnaise

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Maria ran through the woods as fast as she could wheezing with every step. As soon as she saw the bunker I sight she slowed down and grabbed the inhaler she had in her hoodie pocket.
"Sh-shake shake shake that medicine..." she said gasping for air. After she had caught her breath she jogged the rest of the way to the bunker.
Opening the door all she could smell was subway.
"Ew.." she closed her nose to block the sent. She looked around the small structure with one thing on her mind. The mayonnaise. She began shoving everything off the shelves searching for her mayo. As she flung everything to the floor she heard a crash. Slowly turning she saw that the mayonnaise jar had shattered on the floor.
"No!" She screamed and fell on her knees looking over the mayonnaise. Scooping up a blob with her hands she looked for any dirt specs on the presious sauce. '
Who knows what diseases were in this abandoned bunker,' She thot, '...but I think it's safe'.
She slowly dipped her finger into the mayo and tasted it. It tasted like mayo she thought at furst, but she soon realized that there was a slight tangy flavour in it.
"Oh noes..."

To be contonjered...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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