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"Let the lord save you from your sins Amen" The preacher also known as my dad says dismissing the church making me sigh.

"You see that That V church wasn't that bad was it?" My mom says making me scoff. It was horrible. Everyone would hate me here if they found out I was gay. They literally banished this one lesbian couple from coming here ever again.

So I fucking hate church.

"It was great mom....um I have to go pee be right back" I say wanting to get away from her.

She nods her head going to talk to my father.

I went to the bathroom doing my business washing my hands bumping into someone as I was going to leave.

"Shit are you okay" I look up seeing a tall yet slim girl smirking at me she had multiple tattoos and her hair was short with light streaks in it.

"I-I'm Fine" I squeak out biting my lip.

"Hm..." She smirks looking at me.

I blush looking away not knowing why she's looking at me like that.

"You're beautiful" She says.

"T-thank you" I blush harder.

"Are you lesbian?" She says bluntly.

"Were I-in church" I say. God I'm so stupid.

"I don't care everyone hates me here anyway" She shrugs.

"W-Why haven't I seen you before?"I ask already knowing why they hate her. Obviously she's gay and also She has like this masculine vibe to her.

"Maybe because I sit in the back and observe" She smirks grabbing my waist pulling me to her.

"W-we just met"

"Fuck the we just met....We were meant to meet baby" She says

"You don't know my name" I say

"Veronica" She chuckles.

"H-how d-did you kn-

"I look at you all the time and hear people call your name" She says caressing my cheek, kissing it ever so lightly.

"By the way I'm Stevanna, but my friends call me Stevie" She winks sliding me a piece of paper with her number leaving.



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