No good name for this

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Lily pov

I was catching up with Katrina about what the hell happened when I was gone.... our parents died in a kitchen fire; the alarm was broken, so it never went off. Kat was at a sleepover when she was 12, she's now 17,and won't age anymore. It's been 5 years since our parents died.

A girl walked up to me with a smirk on her face. What was her name? Oh yeah, I think her name was Dee? No, that might be a nickname...I'll just ask.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" I tries to sound as polite as I could. "I'm not that good at remembering names..." I waited for her to answer me, that twisted smirk still on her face.

"You can just call me Dee, everyone does; except for elf boy over there." She pointed at a cute blonde haired boy in-wait-is that seriously a tunic!? "He's my brother, annoying as hell once you first meet him, sweet after a little while. He's like a sour punch kid, the candy."

"What's his name?" She seemed shocked that I wanted to know, but then the smirk returned.

"His name's Ben."

"Okay, thanks."

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