One Question

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I wrote this after being fed up with all the shootings that have happened this year. It's not right and sometimes we don't fight back. I want to change that. Read this, comment your thoughts and ask yourself what you will do to help our world become better, little by little and bit by bit.
Love, Emmy

I have just one question...
You know it, I know it
We always say it
Why good, why bad?
Why hi, why bye?
Why guy, why girl?
Why do I live in this world?
This world of poverty and war
This world of lying and crying
This world of death
Why must I see this, why must I hear about that?
Who are those guys walking on the street, causing people to scream?
Who let's evil things run among this earth?
I want to know, you want to know
But we won't really, though
So...that's a good question, why?
But no one really knows, no one really, ever will...
So then, I ask you this...what will you do to change it?

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