9 0 2

I woke up beside Ella and Avery.

"Whahappen?" I said my words slurring.

"You fell unconscious when the old lady read your future." Ella explained snidely.

"Ella!" Avery scolded. "how are you?" she asked worriedly. "You were out cold for 15 minutes!"

"Really?! Where are we." I asked looking around not remembering the scenery. 

"Were in my house." Ella muttered.

"Oook, well I think I can go now..." I said standing up.

"That's right, scaredy cat." Ella tautes. All of a sudden out of no where I screamed and thrusted my hands out. Ella fell to the floor shaking and shivering her eyes blank. It felt good, it felt that all of the rage, anger,and fear was shoved out of my body and thrown at Ella. It was time that the bully was fixed. 

"Ella! Ella!" Avery yelled rushing over to her and kneeling beside the girl. I did as well. We shook her, calling her name. She wouldn't wake up. She stop shivering  about 10 minutes ago, but her eyes were closed. 

"Were Hooome!" Ella's parents called. They walked into the living room and gasped.

"My BABY!" Mrs. Charder screamed rushing to Ella picking her up and whispering to her. 

"What happened?" Mr. Charder asked sternly, much more reserved then Mrs. Chander.

"W-we don't know." Avery said sadly.

"I see." he murmured not believing her.

"She fell and knocked her head, I think..." I said worriedly.

"Ok, thank you girls. I think you could go home now." he told us like we were part of some sort of crime. As we walked home Avery asked,

"What actually happened back there?" she asks hooking her thumb to the Charder house.

"I... don't know." I hesitated to tell her the triumph I felt when Ella fell over. Nope can't do it she is too close to Ella. We got to her house and said good-bye. I continued walking and thinking what had happened. 'I got mad,so what?' When I got home Matt had left for his night job and by the looks of our clock our mother was due home in 10 minutes and...

"Aidian! GET your butt down here right now!" I yelled knowing my little brother was on his x-box instead of doing his homework and watching Rylie. 'Wait Rylie!'  I thought.

"And Where is RYLIE!" I continued yelling at Aidian to hurry up while running around the messy house looking for my 1 year old little sister.

"What!" Aidian called stoutly while playing a game on his phone.

"Ugh! Just finish your homework before mom comes home a groundes you again." I said getting annoyed. I found little Rylie in her favourite spot in the house, the kitchen. I mainly think that's because there are literally a million things she can break. Sure enough one of Aidian superhero mugs were broken and shattered on the ground. 

"You could've hurt yourself!" I scolded little Rylie putting her into her highchair and sweeping up all of the glass. Then I moved to make a snack for me and Rylie after washing the dishes we sat down and enjoyed our apple, or in Rylie's case her mushed up apple.

"Hello!? Anyone home?" mom called as she entered inside.

"Ya! Were in the kitchen." I say putting our bowls away.

"Hi girls,where's Aidian?"asks mom quizzically.

"Upstairs doing his homework." I say muttering 'hopefully' under my breath as she climbs upstairs. And then I hear the expected 'BANG' on his desk as mom slapped his homework that is undone or  all wrong.

"All I ask is that you study and do your homework before playing these silly games!" mom sputters from up stairs and I hear Aidian mumble his excuse. 

"No!  You shouldn't have people remind you more then once to do your homework! Your GROUNDED!" she yells as I open the door to stop this nonsense from bothering me and Rylie. I give Aidian a knowing smirk to remind him that's excatly what I said.

"Oh quit it already miss i'm a genius! I know everything that mom will tell you when she gets back! But what about your test?" He screech his eyes pricking with tears. My hands shook. I got a 2+ on my latest science test and mom will not be happy about that and i had been planning to tell her after she relaxed, but the rat just tattled and now i'm gonna pay for it.

"Oh! You got your science test back already?" she asks pointedly.

"Yes." I begrudgingly admitted.

"And..." she prompted.

"2+" I grumbled.

"Well... that's better than your last one so just keep studying." she says surprisingly calm.

"ok!" I said gratefully that I was not getting screamed at for yet another bad mark.

"Wait! Hold it! How come she gets let off easier then me?" Aidian says angrily.

"Well she already cleans the house everyday and watches Rylie and almost always does her homework and she is older. She can tell if she is practicing enough." mom explains as I stick my tongue out at him.

"Wow! ANd she sure shows some maturity." he grumbles as I hand Rylie over to mom and take her briefcase to bring to her office, almost to prove that I was better.  

(Time skip to the evening after supper.)

"I'm going to read a little before bed 'kay." I told my mom picking up Rylie to put her to bed.

"Okay sweetheart." she replies following me upstairs heading to her office but she stopped half way there and turned around staring at Aidian.

"No T.V. or video games." she says sternly spinning on her heel head up the rest of the stairs. After putting Rylie to bed I opened my door and...

"AHHHHHHHH!" I bellowed as yellow goop fell on me from the ceiling. "You little rat are going down!" I yelled at the top of my lungs pounding down the stairs. I felt my rage drain into my wrists and finger tips. Aidan was on the couch reading a comic book, well trying to but it wasn't working since he was holding his and out of breath from laughter. seeing this made me even more angry. But I felt confident. Surly a thirteen year old could beat a nine year old. I pounced on him knocking him on to the ground like a panther that finally caught the bunny he was waiting forever for.

"HEY!" he roared. "It was ONLY a joking!"

"WEll clearly someone didn't find as funny!" I yell back. By then mom had ran out of her study to comfort the crying baby who clearly didn't like what was happening between us.

"Children!" mom thundered louder than either of us. 

A/N Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter please feel free to comment constructive critsim and I will try to update once a week.

Until next time  ;-)

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