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(A/N: real quick...you might want to listen to 'Heartstrings' by Clara C because that's what I did when writing this...hence the title)

They had been dating for two months now, and still no kiss. Neither of them wanted to make a move. Kirstie's last relationship didn't end too well, and Avi didn't want to pressure her into anything she didn't want to do. And Avi had told her he hadn't had a lot of girlfriends and Kirstie didn't want to take things too fast. Despite how crazy they were for each other, they were both very nervous about their entire relationship.

They wanted to be professionals about it. Pentatonix was more than a hobby, more than just a group of friends making music. It was their job, it was a solid career. They didn't want to ruin it with dating and romance. Avi knew how much it stressed out Kirstie, and he felt a lot of weight on his shoulders himself, but they both knew that it would all work out.

However, at the moment, things didn't seem to be working out all that well. The tour was going great, their album had been doing fantastically, and they were growing closer every day...but they weren't sure when their next big milestone would come along.

Avi held her hand on the first date. Kirstie slept over at his and Kevin's place a few weeks after that. But that one didn't really count, considering Mitch and Scott were there too. A few days after that, Avi accidentally let "I love you" slip during a phone call and they've been saying it ever since. Luckily, it was all genuine. They went into the relationship head over heels for each other and it hadn't faltered at all. Even so, the fact that they hadn't kissed yet seemed to loom over them.

But now, they were alone in a movie theater, watching some action movie that had been released for a month. Because of tour, this was the first time either of them had the time to see it. It was one of those superhero movies where they try to please everyone by putting in random fight scenes and then adding in an unnecessary romantic kiss right after. But they were enjoying it. Just not the awkward tension between themselves.

Usually they were talking nonstop, laughing, singing. But now they were just holding hands, both of their palms sweaty and their minds occupied with confusing thoughts.

It's cold in here, does she want my jacket? She's not talking to me. Maybe she doesn't like me anymore. Should I try and kiss her?

Does he like the movie? I should have paid for my own ticket. He's too good for me. Am I holding his hand too tight?

On the screen, a bomb exploded, and the loud boom brought them out of their thoughts and turned their attention back to the movie. For awhile, they forgot about worrying and started to relax again. Avi's thumb instinctively stroked Kirstie's hand and without realizing it, her head leaned into his shoulder. They were finally acting like themselves.

Then came the sad part. One of the protagonists just died and even though Kirstie wasn't that invested into the film, she found herself with tears in her eyes. She sat up and tried to wipe them away as they fell. Avi noticed right away, and put up the armrest that separated them. He scooted himself closer to her and held her as they continued to watch the movie, Kirstie close to sobbing now.

Even when it ended and the credits were rolling, she couldn't stop. She didn't even know why she was crying, it wasn't even that sad. But the tears kept coming and he hated seeing her like this. He tilted her chin up and gently wiped the tears away for her, and only then did they really stop. Now she was just hiccupping, and even though the credits were done, they both just sat there looking at each other. Even in the darkness, Avi saw her beauty, and Kirstie saw his compassion.

Usually, in movies and on TV, one person makes "the move." Whether it's a guy or a girl, somebody gathers up the courage to make the first kiss, and it's all up to that one person. But with Kirstie and Avi, they both felt it. They leaned into each other and let it happen.

Their lips touched each other for the first time and it felt like magic. The cliché sparks ignited and all the worries melted away. It wasn't a particularly long kiss, only a few seconds. Avi pulled away and Kirstie found herself missing his lips on hers. That's when she knew he was the one. She yearned for him and wanted him, but not in a sexual way. She wanted to wake up with him in the morning and make coffee for him and brag about him and hold his hand at all times. He took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. "Kirstie...thank you."

She was a bit taken aback by what he just said. None of her boyfriends really ever thanked her, especially after a kiss. "What for?" It came out as a whisper.

"For kissing back." Kirstie heard a slightly chuckle in his voice, and then she felt guilty. She thought back to all those times when she wasn't single, and he was, and he came back from dates without any good news. She always rooted for him, wanted him to be happy.

"Why wouldn't I? I love you."

He looked up and saw that she was crying again.

"Why are you crying?" he chuckled once more, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as she wiped her own tears away.

"Because I want...I need you to know that you're loved and that you never have to feel like you're alone, or anything like that, because I love you so much. A-and you should never, ever doubt that. And you should never doubt that I won't kiss you back, or anything like that. Promise me you won't."

Avi leaned in, and Kirstie was expecting a hug, but grinned when he went for a kiss. It was more like a peck, but as soon as he pulled away, he stood up and yanked her out of her seat. He spun her around like a ballerina and then pulled her into his arms.

"I won't."

A/N: Thank you to PTXPTXPTXPTXPTX for requesting a first kiss story! She is literally the sweetest person ever. If you have any ideas please comment them! Thanks for your reads, your notes, and all your love. Y'all are the best <3



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