Chapter 1

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Jacquelyn lives with her High School sweetheart. She soon forgets her dreams of writing and publishing her articles in magazine columns and instead enters the world of business to stay close to her boyfriend, Aiden. Her happily ever after was bound to be interrupted by destruction. Soon was the sweet and innocent then becomes the mysterious and sarcastic. Can an angel really turn evil?


© 2018 lifeandstories All Rights Reserved

DIM isn't all that great, I don't know why anyone would want to copy but just in case. DIM is owned by me and only me. Lifeandstories owns all rights to DIM. There shall be no other versions, no copies, and no similar structure whatsoever. If there is something out there, PLEASE let me know. Thank you for bearing with me ;)

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"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you," the intercom announces to the passengers on board.

I look out the window while the plane is taking off thinking back to what brought me here. What encouraged me to buy a ticket, what encouraged me to move and finally get into the career that I truly wanted to pursue. All I can do is thank them for that. I started to lose my self worth, and you know you're on the verge of losing yourself when you're trying to find your own self-worth through the people you surrounded yourself with.

I chose not to let that event scar me. No, never scar me, instead I'm using it as my fuel, use it as my source for my actions. Although I would never wish that upon anyone else, because it was truly a nightmare. I look out the window thinking to myself not paying attention to how long the journey was going to be.

When I finally arrive to my destination, I open my car door, exiting the taxi. The taxi driver opens up his truck.

"Do you need help unloading?" I look at him in the backseat through the rear view mirror.

"Thanks..." I look at the dashboard of the taxi looking at the name displayed... "Dave but I don't have much to carry."

I didn't really have much time to pack all of my belongings at the apartment, I just wanted to get the hell out of there as fast as I could. From now on, I'm never going to look at the past, never again, but that doesn't mean I'm going to forget because if I did that means I would be lying to myself... I'm going to achieve a much better life I could've had from the beginning if I wasn't so naive and persistent that I could've stayed happy forever without noticing the real things happening around me.

I unload both of my suitcases from the trunk and walk around to the passenger side door. Dave rolls down the window, I hand him the money I owe him and some change.

"Keep the change, and thanks for everything."

Dave reaches out to me and instead of grabbing the cash, he touches my hand, as my own grandfather would do to soothe me when I was angry, because I think he knew during those times I would run away, run away from all of my troubles so he would grab my hand so I wouldn't go anywhere. To make sure I stayed. But he wasn't there this time, so no one was able to stop me. No one would've been able to change my mind. Especially not him.

"Don't worry about it young lady, you seem a little bit drifted, but if you see yourself staying for awhile, I would be honored to offer a lift in need."

Dave was an older gentlemen with wrinkles on the corners of his cheeks and eyes, laughing marks as my father would call them, a way to be able to tell how someone has lived their years.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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