Bob the Ghost

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This is a story about Bob, a ghost. Bob is your typical bedsheet ghost, floating around and saying 'Oooo' at every chance he gets. 

However, Bob never knew he was a ghost. He didn't know what a ghost was. He didn't know what or who he was. He didn't know how he looked like. He didn't know anything. He simply roamed around his old, abandoned house.

One day, a human came to his house. He was happy; he'd finally get a friend! The human was shown around by another. Bob would constantly try to say hello or try and interact, but nothing would happen. The human didn't know he was there.

And so, Bob the ghost was even more lonely than before. He floated to his secret room in the attic. Now, he had someone going around his house and he couldn't even talk to them. How sad for Bob the ghost.

Bob floated around in his room. He would cry, but ghosts weren't able to cry. Bob was lonely. No one could see him. No one knew he was there. Nothing knew he was there. He was nothing.

Over the next few weeks, Bob stayed in his room. There was various noises, but he never once checked. Once he finally gathered the courage to go and see the human who dwelled his house, he floated down through the floor. The house had changed drastically. All the paintings and tables or chairs had been removed.

He didn't like it.

 It made him angry.

Who was this human, changing everything he knew without permission? Changing everything he loved when it was his house? Changing everything and not even being able to talk to him about it??

But what was he to do? He was only a mere ghost.

Bob explored the house, trying to find anything he recognized. The old tears and cracks in the wallpaper. The old candles with three drops of wax just beside them. The chair with the broken leg that stood awkwardly. The chandelier with a small sweet wrapper inside of it... It was all gone. Everything. Even the smallest of things had disappeared. The house was being cleared out completely.

During his exploration, he found the human that did this all.

He wanted to scream and shout at the human. He wanted to tell the human to leave his house alone.

But what was he meant to do? He was just a ghost. He didn't have a mouth to talk with. And so, he settled for waving his small stubby arms around, trying to dash into the human only to pass through and shiver fearfully after seeing the inside of it. He couldn't do anything. He was just a ghost.

And so, Bob the ghost went back up to his room. He lay there for the rest of his days. Alone and hopeless. He didn't want to see any of the changes made to his precious home. He didn't want to see the human that he so desperately wanted to have an interaction with. Seeing the house change and seeing the human only made him feel more lonely.

And eventually, Bob the ghost's house was torn down. Everything was smashed to bits. Nothing Bob knew was left. He could never leave his house; something always blocked the way. But now there was no house. What was there to do?

And so, Bob disappeared.

No one knew him. No one remembered him. Bob was a lonely ghost with no friends in the world. He didn't want to disappear. He wanted to live and have friends. But sadly, Bob was just a ghost. 

Bob was nothing.

Bob the GhostWhere stories live. Discover now