Chapter 1

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Hi guys! This is my first time writing here cx okie so I'm sorry if throughout the story I'm ever not updating my Internet gets turned off (-_-) Anywhoo, on with the story Cx

"God damnit. Not again." turning off the ignition in my car and hurriedly stepped out. Looking over I look and it appears my tire was slashed. "What the hell? Who did this!?" I said furiously, looking around.

My neighborhood was never one to have bad people in it. In fact, there were only 15 killings in the past two months. 'Oh joy..' I thought. I looked around again, looking for the person that did this. I decided calling mom. After three rings, she picked up. "Hello?" "Mom can you come and get me. My tire got slashed." "What? By who!?" "I don't know. Just calm down. I'm at the corner of Washington Street."

"Ok. I'll be there in a bit. Love you sweetie!" I groaned putting on a fake happy tone. "Yup. Love you too mum." I hung up then realized..something didn't seem right.. Suddenly I just felt like I was being watched.. Stalked.. Being the idiot I am I yelled "W-who are you. What do you want?" After a few minutes of eerily creepy silence I realized the air was getting dark. Where the hell are you mom?

I heard a chuckle. I frantically looked around then kept hearing the laughter "Who are you..what do you want!?" I asked again. I walked over to the building and slumped against its brick wall.

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