Chapter 18

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(Dallons POV)

The drive to the hospital wasn't as bad as yesterday. I was more so just excited to see him. We called last night and they wanted to keep him overnight again, just in case. Even though I didn't want to accept that answer, I had to. Whatever it takes to make sure Brendon is okay. My plan was still happening tonight, we had everything planned. It should all work out accordingly. We got to the hospital and immediately went to his room.

I knocked, just in case, and when I didn't receive an answer I assumed he was asleep and walked in, Patrick and Pete following behind me. I was correct, he was asleep. I noticed that he didn't have as many wires connected to him as he did yesterday. Just seemed to be connected to a heart monitor, and IVs. I walk over to him, pushing his hair back off his face, and his eyes flutter open. "Mm, hi." He says, his voice hoarse. "How're you feeling?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair. Brendon smiles lightly, and rubs at his eyes. "I'm in pain, but I feel better then I did when I first had woken up." He says. I nod and sit down. "Dude you get to come home today how sick is that?!" Pete says excitedly. "I'm so excited, I can't wait honestly." Brendon says. "I cant wait either." I say softly, a smile making it's way to my face.

The door opens and the doctor walks in. He looks around, and he sighs. "Didn't I tell you guys only one person is permitted in Mr. Uries room?" He says and Pete rolls his eyes. "I want all of them in here." Brendon says. "You do realize I'm pushing it by even letting anyone in who isn't family?" The doctor says to Brendon and he scoffs. "My parents doesn't live anywhere close to here, believe me when I say they're all family. They can stay. I'm leaving soon anyways." He says sassily and I had to hold back laughter.

"Fair enough, okay. I came to tell you that you are permitted to leave once a nurse comes in and detaches you from everything and gives you all the paperwork. I wish the best for you in your recovery." He says and then walks back out. "Twat." Pete says causing everyone to laugh. "What a pretentious dick." Brendon says and I laugh, smiling at him. He smiles back, chuckling a bit. God, I can't wait to make you mine, Brendon Urie.

(Brendons POV)

It was weird. Ever since I woke up, things felt weird. I was still in a lot of pain, don't get me wrong but I just, I felt different. Happy almost? Appreciative. Glad I'm alive. I have to say, in my whole life that's the scariest thing I ever went through. The fact that it's not too bad of a wound bewilders me. It had hurt so bad. The doctor said its because the person probably used a dull knife, which is why it had hurt so much yet didn't go too deep. That's good I suppose. I couldn't lie, it hurt to move, and walking would probably be hell but I didn't care as long as I can get out of here and go home. I missed Dallon so much even though I had just seen him yesterday. I can't imagine how scared he was not knowing if I'm alive or not. I know if I was in his place, I probably would have jumped off a bridge or something.

They came to visit eventually, well not visit, technically pick me up. We were just waiting for a nurse to take out the iv, and disconnect me from the heart monitor. I had so many needle marks up my arms from them taking blood that I genuinely looked like a drug addict. Luckily none of them bruised over because they did it correctly. Thank god. "I can't wait to go home and eat icecream." I say and Dallon laughs. "We have other plans, B." He says and I look over at him. "Borring." I say and Pete suddenly squealed and I look at him confused, and chuckle. He simply shrugs, a smile on his face and goes over to Patrick, wrapping his arms around him. Okay? Not gonna ask. Weirdo.

A nurse walks in, and she takes the iv out and then quite literally yanks on the wires to disconnect me from the heart monitor. I wince and she gives me an apologetic look. "Sorry, we do that so it's not as painful, the slower the more it hurts." She says. "You can take the sticky things off whenever. Water may help." She says and I nod, and she helps me stand up. "Woah, I'm standing, look at me go." I say, and I touch where the stickie thing are from the heart monitor. They had tiny little bulbs on the end it it felt like I had four extra nipples. "It feels like I got some extra nips. Litty titty." I say and Dallon cringed visibly at my statement, while Pete burst into laughter. Patrick just looked confused.

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